

Chromium Embedded Framework CEF Dynamic Link Library

32 bit
Threat Score
0 %
Original size
11213.3 Kb
Download size
4996.3 Kb

        // Handle error that might have happened while describing result.

    // When evaluating on call frame error is not thrown, but returned as a value.

 is beyond start of data 

 while retrieving error 

# Fatal error in %s

# Fatal error in %s, line %d

'(' required to start ATTLIST enumeration








div style=position:fixed

- unable to initialize heap

- unable to open console device

: Error 

?? Unknown error ??


 html { display: block } head { display: none } meta { display: none } title { display: none } link { display: none } style { display: none } script { display: none } body { display: block

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 resize: auto

 cursor: auto

 padding: 2px

 white-space: pre-wrap

 word-wrap: break-word

 } input::-webkit-input-placeholder, isindex::-webkit-input-placeholder, textarea::-webkit-input-placeholder { color: darkGray

 } input[type=password] { -webkit-text-security: disc !important

 } input[type=hidden], input[type=image], input[type=file] { -webkit-appearance: initial

 padding: initial

 background-color: initial

 border: initial

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 text-align: start !important

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 background-image:none !important

 } input[type=radio], input[type=checkbox] { margin: 3px 0.5ex

 padding: initial

 background-color: initial

 border: initial

 } input[type=button], input[type=submit], input[type=reset], input[type=file]::-webkit-file-upload-button { -webkit-appearance: push-button

 white-space: pre } input[type=button], input[type=submit], input[type=reset], input[type=file]::-webkit-file-upload-button, button { -webkit-box-align: center

 text-align: center

 cursor: default

 color: ButtonText

 padding: 2px 6px 3px 6px

 border: 2px outset ButtonFace

 background-color: ButtonFace

 -webkit-box-sizing: border-box } input[type=range] { -webkit-appearance: slider-horizontal

 padding: initial

 border: initial

 margin: 2px

 } input[type=range]::-webkit-slider-thumb { -webkit-appearance: sliderthumb-horizontal

 } input[type=button]:disabled, input[type=submit]:disabled, input[type=reset]:disabled, input[type=file]:disabled::-webkit-file-upload-button, button:disabled, select:disabled, keygen:disabled, optgroup:disabled, option:disabled, datagrid:disabled { color: GrayText } input[type=button]:active, input[type=submit]:active, input[type=reset]:active, input[type=file]:active::-webkit-file-upload-button, button:active { border-style: inset } input[type=button]:active:disabled, input[type=submit]:active:disabled, input[type=reset]:active:disabled, input[type=file]:active:disabled::-webkit-file-upload-button, button:active:disabled { border-style: outset } area, param { display: none } input[type=checkbox] { -webkit-appearance: checkbox

 -webkit-box-sizing: border-box

 } input[type=radio] { -webkit-appearance: radio

 -webkit-box-sizing: border-box

 } keygen, select { -webkit-appearance: menulist

 -webkit-box-sizing: border-box

 -webkit-box-align: center

 border: 1px solid

 -webkit-border-radius: 5px

 white-space: pre

 -webkit-rtl-ordering: logical

 color: black

 background-color: white

 cursor: default

 } select[size], select[multiple], select[size][multiple] { -webkit-appearance: listbox

 -webkit-box-align: start

 border: 1px inset gray

 -webkit-border-radius: initial

 white-space: initial

 } select[size=0], select[size=1] { -webkit-appearance: menulist

 -webkit-box-align: center

 border: 1px solid

 -webkit-border-radius: 5px

 white-space: pre

 } datalist { display: none

 } optgroup { font-weight: bolder

 } option { font-weight: normal

 } datagrid { height: 150px

 -webkit-appearance: datagrid

 -webkit-box-sizing: border-box

 -webkit-rtl-ordering: logical

 color: black

 background-color: white

 cursor: default

 border: 1px inset gray

 white-space: initial

 } u, ins { text-decoration: underline } strong, b { font-weight: bolder } i, cite, em, var, address { font-style: italic } tt, code, kbd, samp { font-family: monospace } pre, xmp, plaintext, listing { display: block

 font-family: monospace

 white-space: pre

 margin: 1__qem 0 } big { font-size: larger } small { font-size: smaller } s, strike, del { text-decoration: line-through } sub { vertical-align: sub

 font-size: smaller } sup { vertical-align: super

 font-size: smaller } nobr { white-space: nowrap } :focus { outline: auto 5px -webkit-focus-ring-color } html:focus, body:focus, input[readonly]:focus { outline: none } input:focus, textarea:focus, isindex:focus, keygen:focus, select:focus { outline-offset: -2px } input[type=button]:focus, input[type=checkbox]:focus, input[type=file]:focus, input[type=hidden]:focus, input[type=image]:focus, input[type=radio]:focus, input[type=reset]:focus, input[type=search]:focus, input[type=submit]:focus, input[type=file]:focus::-webkit-file-upload-button { outline-offset: 0 } a:-webkit-any-link { color: -webkit-link

 text-decoration: underline

 cursor: auto

 } a:-webkit-any-link:active { color: -webkit-activelink } ruby, rt { text-indent: 0

 } ruby >

 rt { display: block

 font-size: 60%

 text-align: center

 } ruby >

 rp { display: none

 } noframes { display: none } frameset, frame { display: block } frameset { border-color: inherit } iframe { border: 2px inset }

?Accessing selectionStart on an input element that cannot have a selection.

?Statement error callback must be of valid type.

A network error occured in synchronous requests.

A network error occured.

Attribute list declaration doesn't start and stop in the same entity

BtreeInitPage() returns error code %d

Cannot restart authentication sequence

Cannot start a transaction within a transaction

ChangeVersion error callback must be of valid type.

Check failed: DECODING_ERROR == decoding_status_. 

Check failed: NO_ERROR == error. 

Check failed: error != PIPELINE_OK. 

Check failed: error <

= 0. 

Check failed: os_error <


Check failed: start >

= 0 || end >

= 0. 

Comment doesn't start and stop in the same entity

Content error in the external subset

Could not start PipelineThread

Could not start filter thread

Couldn't find end of Start Tag %s

Couldn't find end of Start Tag %s line %d

Critical error found 

Current() : internal error tctxt == NULL

Define Restart Interval %u

Detected an error in element content

Document() : internal error tctxt == NULL

Document() : internal error xptrctxt == NULL

Element content declaration doesn't start and stop in the same entity

Element declaration doesn't start and stop in the same entity

Element-available() : internal error tctxt == NULL

Enable JIT agent for OProfile.

Enable JavaScript debugger

Enable compilation cache

Enable debugger agent

Enable remote debugging

Enable use of CMOV instruction if available

Enable use of RDTSC instruction if available

Enable use of SAHF instruction if available (X64 only)

Enable use of SSE2 instructions if available

Enable use of SSE3 instructions if available

Enable use of VFP3 instructions if available (ARM only)

Entity declaration doesn't start and stop in the same entity

Error %d when loading url %s

Error <


Error : 

Error calling method on NPObject!

Error decoding a video frame with timestamp: 

Error decoding an audio frame with timestamp: 

Error during WebSocket handshake: 'websocket-location' header is missing

Error during WebSocket handshake: 'websocket-origin' header is missing

Error during WebSocket handshake: location mismatch: 

Error during WebSocket handshake: origin mismatch: 

Error during WebSocket handshake: protocol mismatch: 

Error during initialization: %s

Error in optimize: %s

Error initializing V8

Error initializing address cache

Error initializing symbols (

Error on line %d at column %d: %s

Error parsing attribute name

Error registering collation function

Error sending handshake message.


FLIP_NO_ERROR == error_code_

Failed to start Geolocation service

Got a server certificate with error 

Internal error at %s:%d

Internal error in xsltAcquireResultInScopeNs(): Failed to compute a unique ns-prefix for the generated element

Internal error in xsltApplyImports(): The XSLT 'apply-imports' instruction was not compiled.

Internal error in xsltChoose(): The XSLT 'when' instruction was not compiled.

Internal error in xsltComputeAllKeys(): The context's document info doesn't match the document info of the current result tree.

Internal error in xsltCopyOf(): failed to cast an XPath object to string.

Internal error in xsltCopyText(): Failed to copy the string.

Internal error in xsltForEach(): The XSLT 'for-each' instruction was not compiled.

Internal error in xsltForEach(): The selecting expression of the XSLT 'for-each' instruction was not compiled correctly.

Internal error in xsltIf(): The XSLT 'if' instruction was not compiled.

Internal error in xsltKeyFunction(): Could not get the document info of a context doc.

Internal error in xsltKeyFunction(): Couldn't get the doc of the XPath context node.

Internal error in xsltKeyFunction(): The context node is not set on the XPath context.

Internal error in xsltParseStylesheetCallerParam(): The XSLT 'with-param' instruction was not compiled.

Internal error in xsltParseStylesheetCallerParam(): XSLT 'with-param': The attribute 'name' was not compiled.

Internal error in xsltParseStylesheetParam(): The XSLT 'param' declaration was not compiled correctly.

Internal error in xsltParseStylesheetVariable(): The XSLT 'variable' instruction was not compiled.

Internal error in xsltParseStylesheetVariable(): The attribute 'name' was not compiled.

Internal error in xsltValueOf(): The XSLT 'value-of' instruction was not compiled.

Internal error in xsltValueOf(): failed to cast an XPath object to string.

Internal error: last_instruction_start past end of instructions_and_sizes in UnGetInstruction

It is an error to call 'apply-imports' when there's no current template rule.

It's an error to set both read_data_fn and write_data_fn in the 

Minimum length for automatic enable preparsing

No error message provided

Notation declaration doesn't start and stop in the same entity

OsError 0x%x (%u)

Output file write error --- out of disk space?

PI declaration doesn't start and stop in the same entity

Runtime error 

SQL logic error or missing database

SSL certificate error when fetching PAC script, aborting.

ScopedTempDir unable to delete 

SetProp failed, last error = 

Start Of Frame 0x%02x: width=%u, height=%u, components=%d

Start Of Scan: %d components

Start marker

Start of 

Start of Image

Start of literal

Start punctuation

Start tag expected, '<

' not found

Strict error checking

The expression had a syntax error or otherwise is not a legal expression according to the rules of the specific XPathEvaluator.

The statement callback raised an exception or statement error callback did not return false

Transaction error callback must be of valid type.

Unable to allocate AVPacketBuffer

Unable to close due to unfinalised statements

Unable to close due to unfinished backup operation

Unable to convert time

Unable to convert time, don't know why

Unable to create cache

Unable to decode address for COPY

Unable to delete/modify collation sequence due to active statements

Unable to delete/modify user-function due to active statements

Unable to execute statement, because the user deleted the database

Unable to get another cache folder

Unable to get the page. error code=%d

Unable to identify the object to be reindexed

Unable to map Index file

Unable to move the cache: 

Unable to open a temporary database file for storing temporary tables

Unable to open a transaction to the database

Unable to open a transaction, because the user deleted the database

Unable to open database file

Unable to open database: %s

Unable to open shared library [%s]

Unable to post message to %s. Recipient has origin %s.

Unable to rename cache folder

Unable to set new version in database

Unable to use function %s in the requested context

Unable to verify current version of database

Unexpected error number

Unknown error 

Unknown error occured setting up transaction

Unregistered error message

Var chromium

if (!chromium)  chromium = {}

chromium.Interval = function() {  var start_ = 0

  var stop_ = 0

  native function HiResTime()

  this.start = function() {    stop_ = 0

    start_ = HiResTime()


  this.stop = function() {    stop_ = HiResTime()

    if (start_ == 0)      stop_ = 0


  this.microseconds = function() {    var stop = stop_

    if (stop == 0 &


 start_ != 0)      stop = HiResTime()

    return Math.ceil((stop - start_) * 1000000)



XML declaration allowed only at the start of the document

XmlParseInternalSubset: error detected in Markup declaration

Xsl:attribute-set : logic error merging from imports for attribute-set %s

Xsl:import : unable to load %s

Xsl:include : unable to load %s

Xsl:key : error missing match

Xsl:key : error missing name

Xsl:key : error missing use

Xsl:template : error invalid name '%s'

Xsl:template: error duplicate name '%s'

XsltDocumentElem: unable to save to %s

XsltFormatNumberConversion : error in format string '%s', using default

[The HTML that caused this error was generated by a script.] 

Last update: 22/03/2024