


32 bit
Threat Score
0 %
Original size
20645.2 Kb
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9469.3 Kb

    collapsible.expanded.start = createLine()

  deviceError = 0x%x

 (+ %d ms in %d steps since start of marking, biggest step %f ms)

 error = 


 NSS error code 

 is beyond start of data 

 mode. Error :

 while retrieving error 

# Fatal error in %s

# Fatal error in %s, line %d

#error no emulation for atan(float, float)

#error no emulation for atan(vec2, vec2)

#error no emulation for atan(vec3, vec3)

#error no emulation for atan(vec4, vec4)

#error no emulation for cos(float)

#error no emulation for cos(vec2)

#error no emulation for cos(vec3)

#error no emulation for cos(vec4)

#error no emulation for distance(float, float)

#error no emulation for distance(vec2, vec2)

#error no emulation for distance(vec3, vec3)

#error no emulation for distance(vec4, vec4)

#error no emulation for dot(float, float)

#error no emulation for dot(vec2, vec2)

#error no emulation for dot(vec3, vec3)

#error no emulation for dot(vec4, vec4)

#error no emulation for length(float)

#error no emulation for length(vec2)

#error no emulation for length(vec3)

#error no emulation for length(vec4)

#error no emulation for mod(float, float)

#error no emulation for mod(vec2, vec2)

#error no emulation for mod(vec3, vec3)

#error no emulation for mod(vec4, vec4)

#error no emulation for normalize(float)

#error no emulation for normalize(vec2)

#error no emulation for normalize(vec3)

#error no emulation for normalize(vec4)

#error no emulation for reflect(float, float)

#error no emulation for reflect(vec2, vec2)

#error no emulation for reflect(vec3, vec3)

#error no emulation for reflect(vec4, vec4)

'(' required to start ATTLIST enumeration

, net_error 

: (malloc) Error in VirtualFree()

: (malloc) Error initializing arena

: Error 

?? Unknown error ??


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A PKCS #11 module returned CKR_GENERAL_ERROR, indicating that an unrecoverable error has occurred.

A network error occured in synchronous requests.

A network error occured.

Accessing selectionStart on an input element that cannot have a selection.

An I/O error occurred during security authorization.

An error was encountered while writing the data pak to: 

An unknown error occurred within Indexed Database.

Application Cache Error event: %s

Attribute list declaration doesn't start and stop in the same entity

BtreeInitPage() returns error code %d

Buffer error in compressed datastream in %s chunk

Cannot start a transaction within a transaction

Comment doesn't start and stop in the same entity

Content error in the external subset

Couldn't find end of Start Tag %s

Couldn't find end of Start Tag %s line %d

Critical error found 

Current() : internal error tctxt == NULL

DOM Error while querying

Data error in compressed datastream in %s chunk

Decompression error in IDAT

Define Restart Interval %u

Detected an error in element content

Divide by zero error during constant folding

Document() : internal error tctxt == NULL

Document() : internal error xptrctxt == NULL

EglChooseConfig failed failed with error 

EglChooseConfig failed with error 

EglCreateContext failed with error 

EglCreatePbufferSurface failed with error 

EglCreateWindowSurface failed with error 

EglDestroyContext failed with error 

EglDestroySurface failed with error 

EglGetDisplay failed with error 

EglInitialize failed with error 

EglMakeCurrent failed with error 

EglPostSubBufferNV failed with error 

EglSwapBuffers failed with error 

EglSwapInterval failed with error 

Element content declaration doesn't start and stop in the same entity

Element declaration doesn't start and stop in the same entity

Element-available() : internal error tctxt == NULL

Enable GDBJIT interface (disables compacting GC)

Enable GDBJIT interface for all code objects

Enable JavaScript debugger

Enable all harmony features

Enable compilation cache

Enable debugger agent

Enable debugger compile events

Enable debugger script collected events

Enable harmony block scoping

Enable harmony collections (sets, maps, and weak maps)

Enable harmony proxies

Enable harmony semantics for typeof

Enable liveedit experimental feature

Enable low-level linux profiler.

Enable use of ARMv7 instructions if available (ARM only)

Enable use of CMOV instruction if available

Enable use of MIPS FPU instructions if available (MIPS only)

Enable use of RDTSC instruction if available

Enable use of SAHF instruction if available (X64 only)

Enable use of SSE2 instructions if available

Enable use of SSE3 instructions if available

Enable use of SSE4.1 instructions if available

Enable use of VFP3 instructions if available - this implies enabling ARMv7 instructions (ARM only)

Entity declaration doesn't start and stop in the same entity


Error %d

Error : 

Error adding certificate to database.

Error appending to internal buffer.

Error attempting to export certificates.

Error attempting to import a CRL.

Error attempting to import certificates.

Error calling method on NPObject.

Error connecting to HTTP server

Error connecting to remote host

Error creating AudioContext

Error decoding a video frame with timestamp: 

Error during WebSocket handshake: 'Connection' header is missing

Error during WebSocket handshake: 'Connection' header value is not 'Upgrade'

Error during WebSocket handshake: 'Sec-WebSocket-Accept' header is missing

Error during WebSocket handshake: 'Sec-WebSocket-Location' header is missing

Error during WebSocket handshake: 'Sec-WebSocket-Origin' header is missing

Error during WebSocket handshake: 'Upgrade' header is missing

Error during WebSocket handshake: 'Upgrade' header value is not 'WebSocket'

Error during WebSocket handshake: Sec-WebSocket-Accept mismatch

Error during WebSocket handshake: Sec-WebSocket-Extensions header is invalid

Error during WebSocket handshake: location mismatch: 

Error during WebSocket handshake: origin mismatch: 

Error during WebSocket handshake: protocol mismatch: 

Error during initialization: %s

Error fetching PAC URL from DHCP: 

Error in middle of record

Error in optimize: %s

Error initializing NSS without a persistent database: 

Error initializing V8

Error initializing address cache

Error installing extension '%s'.

Error parsing attribute name

Error refiling the key for this certificate.

Error registering collation function

Error retrieving content.

Error sending document to URI

Error vacuuming database

Error when reading from TCP socket: 

Error when reading from UDP socket: 

Error when sending data in TCP socket: 

Error when sending data in UDP socket: 

Error while creating baggage object

Error while creating safe object

Error while parsing config paths, could not create the following directory: 

Error while parsing config paths, the following directory does not exist: 

Error while parsing config paths, the following directory is not writeable by the current user: 

Error while parsing config paths, the following file path does not exist: 

Error writing data to stable storage.

Error: Unable to call method

Error: Unable to construct

Error: Unable to get all properties

Error: Unable to get property

Error: Unable to remove property

Error: Unable to set property


Extension or internal compilation error at line %d.

Failed to enable MMCSS (error code=

Failed to load Blob: error code = 

Failed to start '

Failed to start Geolocation service

Failed to start device orientation polling thread

Failed to start the Capture device.

Fatal (internal) error in %s, line %d: %s

Fatal error - scanner input buffer overflow

Got a server certificate with error 

INTERNAL ERROR inserting new symbol

Ignoring error %s

InitBroker failed with error 

InitModule failed with error 

Internal error at %s:%d

Internal error in xsltAcquireResultInScopeNs(): Failed to compute a unique ns-prefix for the generated element

Internal error in xsltApplyImports(): The XSLT 'apply-imports' instruction was not compiled.

Internal error in xsltChoose(): The XSLT 'when' instruction was not compiled.

Internal error in xsltComputeAllKeys(): The context's document info doesn't match the document info of the current result tree.

Internal error in xsltCopyOf(): failed to cast an XPath object to string.

Internal error in xsltCopyText(): Failed to copy the string.

Internal error in xsltForEach(): The XSLT 'for-each' instruction was not compiled.

Internal error in xsltForEach(): The selecting expression of the XSLT 'for-each' instruction was not compiled correctly.

Internal error in xsltIf(): The XSLT 'if' instruction was not compiled.

Internal error in xsltKeyFunction(): Could not get the document info of a context doc.

Internal error in xsltKeyFunction(): Couldn't get the doc of the XPath context node.

Internal error in xsltKeyFunction(): The context node is not set on the XPath context.

Internal error in xsltParseStylesheetCallerParam(): The XSLT 'with-param' instruction was not compiled.

Internal error in xsltParseStylesheetCallerParam(): XSLT 'with-param': The attribute 'name' was not compiled.

Internal error in xsltParseStylesheetParam(): The XSLT 'param' declaration was not compiled correctly.

Internal error in xsltParseStylesheetVariable(): The XSLT 'variable' instruction was not compiled.

Internal error in xsltParseStylesheetVariable(): The attribute 'name' was not compiled.

Internal error in xsltValueOf(): The XSLT 'value-of' instruction was not compiled.

Internal error in xsltValueOf(): failed to cast an XPath object to string.

Internal error setting style sheet text

Internal error: last_instruction_start past end of instructions_and_sizes in UnGetInstruction

It is an error to call 'apply-imports' when there's no current template rule.

It's an error to set both read_data_fn and write_data_fn in the 

Libpkix internal error occurred during cert validation.

Minimum length for automatic enable preparsing

Missing start of fragmented record(1)

Missing start of fragmented record(2)

NSS error code: %d

NSS_VersionCheck(3.12.3) failed.  We depend on NSS >

= 3.12.3, and this error is not fatal only because many people have busted NSS setups (for example, using the wrong version of NSPR). Please upgrade to the latest NSS and NSPR, and if you still get this error, contact your distribution maintainer.

No error message provided

Notation declaration doesn't start and stop in the same entity

OsError 0x%x (%u)

Output file write error --- out of disk space?

P2PSocket::Init(): unable to get local address: 

P2PSocketHostUdp::Init(): unable to get local address: 

PI declaration doesn't start and stop in the same entity

ParseServerResponse() : Error parsing the status value.

ParseServerResponse: Unable to read hypothesis value.

Pointer in register for range %d (start at %d) at safe point %d

Recv ->

 %d, error = %d, os error = %d

Returned error code 

SQL logic error or missing database

SSL certificate error when fetching PAC script, aborting.

Some unknown error has occurred

Start Of Frame 0x%02x: width=%u, height=%u, components=%d

Start Of Scan: %d components

Start marker

Start of 

Start of Image

Start of literal

Start punctuation

Start tag expected, '<

' not found

The expression had a syntax error or otherwise is not a legal expression according to the rules of the specific XPathEvaluator.

The one-time function was previously called and failed. Its error code is no longer available

The statement callback raised an exception or statement error callback did not return false

Unable to

Unable to add module

Unable to add origin bound cert extension to opaque handle

Unable to begin transaction

Unable to changeVersion from within a transaction

Unable to close due to unfinalised statements

Unable to close due to unfinished backup operation

Unable to commit transaction

Unable to commit transaction because the database is not open.

Unable to connect to the Google Talk service due to an incompatibility with your proxy.

Unable to copy extension to X509 cert

Unable to create

Unable to create AuthHandler. Status: 

Unable to create cache

Unable to create device for layer.

Unable to create nspr log file '%s'

Unable to create pbuffer.

Unable to decode address for COPY

Unable to delete module

Unable to delete session cookies.

Unable to delete/modify collation sequence due to active statements

Unable to delete/modify user-function due to active statements

Unable to encode value as smi

Unable to execute statement, because the user deleted the database

Unable to export.  Key database corrupt or deleted.

Unable to export.  Private Key could not be located and exported.

Unable to export.  Unable to locate certificate or key by nickname.

Unable to export.  Unable to write the export file.

Unable to fix block file 

Unable to generate public/private key pair.

Unable to get ASN1 encoding for origin in ob_cert extension

Unable to get another cache folder

Unable to get device context for window.

Unable to get image data from canvas because the canvas has been tainted by cross-origin data.

Unable to get opaque handle for adding extensions

Unable to get pbuffer device context.

Unable to get the page. error code=%d

Unable to get the pixel format for GL context.

Unable to grow monitor cache hash buckets

Unable to identify the object to be reindexed

Unable to import.  Decoding error.  File not valid.

Unable to import.  Encryption algorithm not supported.

Unable to import.  Error attempting to import certificate chain.

Unable to import.  Error attempting to import private key.

Unable to import.  File structure is corrupt.

Unable to import.  File version not supported.

Unable to import.  Incorrect privacy password.

Unable to import.  Invalid MAC.  Incorrect password or corrupt file.

Unable to import.  MAC algorithm not supported.

Unable to import.  Only password integrity and privacy modes supported.

Unable to import.  Same nickname already exists in database.

Unable to import.  Unable to read the import file.

Unable to load DataPak with path: 

Unable to make gl context current.

Unable to map Index file

Unable to move cache folder

Unable to move the cache: 

Unable to open a temporary database file for storing temporary tables

Unable to open a transaction, because the user deleted the database

Unable to open database

Unable to open database file

Unable to open database, failed to create 'info' table

Unable to open database, failed to read current version

Unable to open database, failed to start transaction

Unable to open database, failed to write current version

Unable to open database, version mismatch, '

Unable to open database: %s

Unable to open shared library [%s]

Unable to parse built-ins

Unable to post message to 

Unable to read the current version

Unable to read version

Unable to set new version in database

Unable to set the new version

Unable to set the pixel format for GL context.

Unable to set the pixel format for temporary GL context.

Unable to start a transaction from within a transaction

Unable to update cookie database to version 3.

Unable to update cookie database to version 5.

Unable to use function %s in the requested context

Unable to write international text

Unexpected end of input in #error preprocessor directive - expected a newline

Unexpected error 

Unexpected error number

Unexpected error retrieving WPAD configuration from DHCP.

Unknown SSL error 

Unknown error 

Unknown error occured during transaction postflight

Unknown error occured during transaction preflight

Unregistered error message

WebSocket network error: error code 

Write failed. Error code: 

XML declaration allowed only at the start of the document

XmlParseInternalSubset: error detected in Markup declaration

Xsl:attribute-set : logic error merging from imports for attribute-set %s

Xsl:import : unable to load %s

Xsl:include : unable to load %s

Xsl:key : error missing match

Xsl:key : error missing name

Xsl:key : error missing use

Xsl:template : error invalid name '%s'

Xsl:template: error duplicate name '%s'

XsltDocumentElem: unable to save to %s

XsltFormatNumberConversion : error in format string '%s', using default

You must enable OCSP before performing this operation.

[IncrementalMarking] Start marking

[IncrementalMarking] Start sweeping.

Last update: 22/03/2024