
VMware, Inc.

VMware Tools DnD Unity plugin

64 bit
Threat Score
0 %
Original size
2638.8 Kb
Download size
921.1 Kb

  The error occurred while parsing the regular expression fragment: '

  The error occurred while parsing the regular expression: '

%s: An error %d occurred on Socket %p

%s: AssocQueryString error 0x%lx.

%s: CertGetCertificateChain failed. LastError = %d

%s: CoCreateInstance error 0x%x.

%s: CoInitialize error 0x%lx.

%s: Could not create unityMutex,

 error %u

%s: Could not get Start Menu folder path,

 error %u

%s: Could not get common Start Menu folder path,

 error %u

%s: Could not get start menu item.

%s: Could not open start menu.

%s: Could not watch for registry changes,

 error %ld

%s: Couldn't create appbar window,

 error %u

%s: Couldn't create hidden window,

 error %u

%s: Couldn't enumerate child windows for foreground window %p,

 error %lx.

%s: CreateActCtx error %#x.

%s: CreateEvent error %#x.

%s: CreatePipe error 0x%x.

%s: CreateProcess error 0x%x.

%s: CreateRectRgn error %u.

%s: CreateSemaphore error %#x.

%s: CreateThread error %#x.

%s: CreateWindow error 0x%lx.

%s: DwmEnableComposition error 0x%x.

%s: Error %d creating waitable timer

%s: Error %d receiving on client socket

%s: Error %d receiving on new client socket

%s: Error %d setting waitable timer

%s: Error creating GHI window!

%s: Error creating an XML parser: 0x%08X

%s: Error getting peername for socket

%s: Error getting socket name

%s: Error loading logo file %S,

 error: %d

%s: Error loading the manifest file %S into the XML parser.

%s: Error loading the manifest file %S into the XML parser: 0x%08X (%S)

%s: Error locking bitmap,

 error: %d

%s: Error opening key: %S,

 error: %ld

%s: Error opening the HKCU Package key: %ld

%s: Error opening the HKLM Package key: %ld

%s: Error parsing the URL: %s

%s: Error reading AppUserModelId value,

 error: %ld

%s: Error reading PackageID value,

 error: %ld

%s: Error reading server private key data,

 err = 0x%x

%s: Error reading the value: %S\%S,

 error: %ld

%s: Error registering for changes to app &

 protocol maps

%s: Error registering for changes to recent documents

%s: Error whilst parsing config file: %s

%s: ExtractIconEx error 0x%x.

%s: Failed to convert string to security descriptor with error %u.

%s: Failed to create a Win32 certficate context for the peer sertificate. LastError = %d

%s: Failed to create event with name %S and error %u.

%s: Failed to create file mapping with name %S and error %u.

%s: Failed to create key %S,

 last error %#lx.

%s: Failed to create mutex with name %S and error %u.

%s: Failed to delete value %S,

 last error %#lx.

%s: Failed to enable the legacy language bar,

 error: %u

%s: Failed to expand environment strings for path '%S' with error %d.

%s: Failed to get address of function %s (error 0x%lx).

%s: Failed to get address of function %s,

 error %u.

%s: Failed to get monitor info for monitor %p,

 error %u

%s: Failed to get the new monitor info for monitor %p,

 error %u

%s: Failed to get value %S,

 last error %#lx.

%s: Failed to get value %S,

 last error 0x%lx.

%s: Failed to open key %S,

 last error %#lx.

%s: Failed to retrieve system directory with error %d.

%s: Failed to retrieve windows directory with error %d.

%s: Failed to send window contents start RPC!

%s: Failed to set WH_CALLWNDPROCRET hook,

 error %u.

%s: Failed to set WH_CBT hook,

 error %u.

%s: Failed to set WH_SHELL hook,

 error %u. Continuing anyway.

%s: Failed to set foreground window to %p,

 error 0x%lx.

%s: Failed to set value %S,

 last error %#lx.

%s: Failed to set win event hook,

 error %u.

%s: Failed to set work area,

 error %u

%s: Failed to start tray icon updates.

%s: Failed to toggle the Start UI.

%s: Failed with error %d: %s

%s: FindFirstChangeNotification failed for %S,

 error %u

%s: FindWindowW error %u.

%s: Found the Start button window: %p

%s: GetClassName error %u.

%s: GetFileVersionInfo error 0x%x.

%s: GetFileVersionInfoSize error 0x%x.

%s: GetLongPathNameW error %#x.

%s: GetModuleBaseNameW error 0x%lx.

%s: GetModuleFileNameEx error %#x.

%s: GetModuleFileNameExW error %#x.

%s: GetProcAddress error %#x.

%s: GetProcAddress error 0x%lx.

%s: GetProcAddress error 0x%x.

%s: GetWindowRect error %u.

%s: Hook failed,

 error 0x%lx.

%s: IEnumIDList::Next error 0x%lx

%s: IPersistFile::Load error 0x%x.

%s: IShellFolder::BindToObject error 0x%lx.

%s: IShellFolder::EnumObjects error 0x%lx.

%s: IShellFolder::GetDisplayName error 0x%lx.

%s: IShellLink::GetPath error 0x%lx.

%s: IShellLink::GetPath error 0x%x.

%s: LCMapString error %#x.

%s: Last socket error %d: %s

%s: LoadImage error %#x.

%s: LoadLibraryW error %#x.

%s: LoadLibraryW error 0x%lx.

%s: LoadLibraryW error 0x%x.

%s: LoadStringW error %#x.

%s: MapViewOfFile error 0x%lx.

%s: Minimizing window id %u failed with error %d.

%s: MultiByteToWideChar error %#x.

%s: OpenInputDesktop error 0x%lx.

%s: OpenProcess error %#x.

%s: OpenProcess error %u.

%s: OpenProcess error 0x%lx.

%s: QueryFullProcessImageNameW error %#x.

%s: QueryInterface error 0x%x.

%s: ReadProcessMemory error 0x%lx.

%s: RegCreateKeyExW

%s: RegDeleteKeyW error 0x%lx.

%s: Registry change notification reinit failed,

 error %ld

%s: Restored the Start button

%s: SHCopyKey

%s: SHGetDesktopFolder error 0x%lx.

%s: SHGetFileInfo error 0x%x.

%s: SHGetFileInfoW error 0x%x.

%s: SHGetFolderLocation error 0x%lx.

%s: SHGetSpecialFolderLocation error 0x%x.

%s: SetHandleInformation error 0x%x.

%s: SetThreadExecutionState failed,

 error: %u. Unable to disable power-saving mode.

%s: SetThreadExecutionState failed,

 error: %u. Unable to let the VM use power-saving mode.

%s: SetWindowPos error 0x%x.

%s: SetWindowsHookEx error 0x%lx.

%s: ShellExecute error %#x.

%s: Socket error lookup returned %d: %s

%s: Start Menu ChangeNotification reinit failed :%d

%s: StrRetToBuf error 0x%lx.

%s: TerminateProcess error 0x%x.

%s: Unable

%s: Unable to allocate memory for explorer path

%s: Unable to allocate temporary buffer for expanded environment strings.

%s: Unable to canonicalize path '%S' for window.

%s: Unable to concatenate explorer path

%s: Unable to construct command line for type %s and shellCommandURI %s

%s: Unable to deserialize data

%s: Unable to find capability for url or file type %s,

 shellCommandURI %s

%s: Unable to find certificate in store error 0x%x.

%s: Unable to find desired workarea for monitor %p

%s: Unable to find hidden window to activate.

%s: Unable to find previous window in z-order.

%s: Unable to find the '%S' window.

%s: Unable to find the primary Taskbar.

%s: Unable to get VSocket Address Family value.

%s: Unable to initialize Unity update channel.

%s: Unable to obtain key size of key %s

%s: Unable to obtain key size of registry value %s

%s: Unable to open key with path %s

%s: Unable to open store with error 0x%x.

%s: Unable to query value of key %s

%s: Unable to query value of regValue %s

%s: Unable to restore guest handler

%s: Unable to set guest handler

%s: Unexpectedly unable to create minimize event %S with error %d.

%s: Unexpectedly unable to find minimize event for window %p.

%s: Unexpectedly unable to open handle to shell process. Stopping sending tray updates.

%s: VirtualAllocEx error 0x%lx.

%s: WaitForSingleObject error %#x.

%s: WaitForSingleObject error 0x%lx.

%s: WaitForSingleObject error 0x%x.

%s: Warning: Failed to set the Unity thread to the input desktop with error %u

%s: Win32U_RegCreateKeyEx

%s: Win32U_RegDeleteKey

%s: Win32U_RegOpenKeyEx

%s: Win32U_RegQueryValueEx

%s: Win32U_RegSetValueEx

%s: Win32U_SHDeleteKey

%s: WinReg_GetSZ

%s: WinReg_GetSZEx

%s: WinReg_SetSZ

%s: Window %p was unexpectedly unable to be restored,

 so not moving.

%s: error sending unity launchmenu change RPC

%s: error waiting on exit event: %d %d

%s: no registered error handler!

%s: unable to allocate cache node.

%s: unable to classname of window 0x%p (err=%u)

%s: unable to get company name of window 0x%p (err=%u).

%s: unable to get process translation data of window 0x%p (err=%u).

%s: unable to get product name of window 0x%p (err=%u).

%s: unable to get version info of window 0x%p (err=%u).

%s: unable to get version info size of window 0x%p (err=%u).

%s: unable to open %s

%s: unable to open Screen-saver desktop.

A regular expression can start with the alternation operator |.

Accept failed on fd %d,

 error %d: %s

An error occurred while checking group membership:

Could not get start menu count

Could not get start menu item

Error Creating SSL connection structure

Error creating sslCnx from ctx

Error in thread safety code: could not acquire a lock

Error loading server certificate

Error opening server certificate %s

Error opening server private key %s

Error parsing text-format 

Error reading server certificate data

Error reading server certificate from BIO

Error reading server certificate from DER format data

Error reading server private key

Error reading server private key data

Error reading server private key from BIO

Error reporting not implemented.

Error setting fd for SSL connection

Error verifying server certificate

Extension range end number must be greater than start number.

F%s: Unable to allocate memory for icon list

Failed to start tray icon updates

Failed to toggle the Start UI

GetDesktopName: GetUserObjectInformationW failed,

 error = 0x%08x.

Libpng error no. %s: %s

Recv error %d: %s

SOCKET Could not bind socket,

 error %d: %s

SOCKET Could not create %s listener socket,

 error %d: %s

SOCKET Could not get recv buffer size for socket %d,

 error %d: %s

SOCKET Could not get send buffer size for socket %d,

 error %d: %s

SOCKET Could not set recv buffer size for socket %d to %d,

 error %d: %s

SOCKET Could not set send buffer size for socket %d to %d,

 error %d: %s

SOCKET could not create new socket,

 error %d: %s

SOCKET could not listen on socket,

 error %d: %s


 error %d: %s

SOCKET getsockname for connect on fd %d failed with error %d: %s

SOCKET getsockopt for connect on fd %d failed with error %d : %s

SSL: Error extracting the certificate thumbprint

SSL: syscall error %d: %s

Send error %d: %s

The repeat operator * cannot start a regular expression.

The repeat operator + cannot start a regular expression.

The repeat operator ? cannot start a regular expression.

There was an error when trying to check the server's SSL certificate.

Unable to allocate buffer.

Unable to append data

Unable to check %S group membership: %d

Unable to check Admin group membership: %d

Unable to deserialize data

Unable to deserialize data.

Unable to get OS version.

Unable to open message catalog: 

Unable to read file.

Unable to restore guest handler

Unable to set guest handler

Unable to write international text

Unable to write to BIO.

UnityDesktopEventThreadProc: Failed to open event %ws with error 0x%08x.

UnityDesktopEventThreadProc: ReleaseSemaphore on gDesktopSwitchSemaphore 0x%p has failed with error 0x%8x.

UnityDesktopEventThreadProc: WAIT_FAILED. Error 0x%08x.

UnityDesktopHandleThreadProc: WAIT_FAILED. Error 0x%08x.

Last update: 22/03/2024