

rpatch library

64 bit
Threat Score
0 %
Original size
4501.4 Kb
Download size
2376.3 Kb

   Unable to load public key

 start date: %.*s


unknown platform error code {:X}>

Allocation error : not enough memory

An I/O error occurred when reading/seeking

BIO_new return NULL, BoringSSL error %s

BIO_new_mem_buf NULL, BoringSSL error %s

Bad error code

Block-level external sequence producer returned an error code

BtreeInitPage() returns error code %d

Cannot start a transaction within a transaction

Could not load ASN1 client certificate from %s, BoringSSL error %s, (no key found, wrong pass phrase, or wrong file format?)

Could not load PEM client certificate from %s, BoringSSL error %s, (no key found, wrong pass phrase, or wrong file format?)

Could not load PKCS12 client certificate, BoringSSL error %s

Could not parse PKCS12 file, check password, BoringSSL error %s

Error (generic)

Error adding chunk {:016X}: Internal chunker error

Error adding file in database

Error adding file to database

Error adding file.chunk_size column

Error adding file.chunking_version column

Error adding file.max_chunk_size column

Error adding file.min_chunk_size column

Error adding file.permissions column

Error adding file.symlink column

Error adding file.type column

Error adding trusted certificate to SSL context's certificate store

Error caching chunk

Error caching chunk {:016X}

Error checking application ID

Error checking database version

Error code {} for path {}: {}

Error committing database transaction

Error configuring database

Error converting IPv4 address to string

Error converting IPv6 address to string

Error converting {} address to string

Error creating HTTP connection

Error creating begin transaction statement

Error creating chunk cache file

Error creating chunks table

Error creating commit transaction statement

Error creating delete chunk range statement

Error creating delete chunks statement

Error creating delete file statement

Error creating directory for temporary file

Error creating event

Error creating file

Error creating file directory

Error creating file pattern matcher

Error creating files table

Error creating manifest directory

Error creating manifest file

Error creating memory BIO

Error creating patch database

Error creating plan to check whether install is up to date

Error creating replace chunk statement

Error creating replace file statement

Error creating rollback transaction statement

Error creating seed directory

Error creating select all files statement

Error creating select chunks statement

Error creating select file chunks statement

Error creating select file statement

Error creating select previous chunk statement

Error creating streaming downloader

Error creating target directory

Error creating update pattern matcher

Error creating update plan

Error decompressing Unity archive metadata: LZ4_decompress_safe returned {}

Error decompressing chunk: {}

Error decompressing manifest body: {}

Error decrypting Pak entries

Error decrypting entries

Error deleting database

Error deleting database file

Error deleting database journal

Error deleting directory {}

Error deleting existing file

Error deleting extra file {}

Error deleting file

Error deleting file {}

Error deleting manifest file

Error deleting rechunked file {}

Error downloading chunk

Error downloading chunk {:016X}

Error downloading release manifest

Error enabling cell size checks

Error enabling foreign key constraints

Error enumerating chunks

Error enumerating file chunks for file ID {:016X}

Error enumerating files

Error enumerating files in database

Error extending file to {} bytes

Error finding aligned chunk offset

Error finding chunks to cache

Error finding seeded chunks in path {}

Error finding source files

Error finding target files

Error generating plan for file {}

Error getting file information

Error getting file size

Error getting file stats

Error getting symlink target

Error hashing chunk data

Error importing CA certificate blob

Error in %s %s after %s: %s

Error in %s %s%s%s: %s

Error in the HTTP2 framing layer

Error in the SSH layer

Error initializing Windows sockets

Error initializing database

Error initializing signature verification: EVP_DigestVerifyInit returned {}

Error initializing verification key

Error listing contents of install path

Error listing directory

Error listing files in directory {}

Error loading CRL file: %s

Error loading Pak file entries

Error loading Pak index

Error loading Pak info

Error loading patch database

Error loading release manifest

Error looking up file {:016X} in database

Error looking up source file

Error looking up source file {:016X}

Error making {}

Error making {}: Download stalled

Error making {}: Server didn't honor range request

Error making {}: Server only sent {} of the requested bytes

Error matching files

Error notifying cached chunk

Error notifying start of write phase

Error notifying updated slice

Error opening bundle {}

Error opening database

Error opening database for writing

Error opening existing database {}

Error opening file

Error opening file {}

Error opening source file {}

Error opening symlink

Error opening target file

Error parsing exclude pattern

Error parsing exclude patterns

Error parsing nameserver address {}

Error parsing part: Invalid Content-Range header {}

Error parsing part: No Content-Range header

Error parsing response: Answer entry data is not a string

Error parsing response: Answer entry has no data member

Error parsing response: Answer entry has no type member

Error parsing response: Answer entry is not an object

Error parsing response: Answer entry type is not a number

Error parsing response: Answer is not an array

Error parsing response: No Answer member

Error parsing response: {}

Error parsing trusted root certificate at index {}

Error parsing update pattern

Error performing default name resolution for {}

Error performing fallback DNS-over-HTTPS name resolution for {}

Error performing fallback name resolution for {}

Error performing full repair of {}

Error performing partial repair of {}

Error performing repair

Error performing signature verification: EVP_DigestVerifyUpdate returned {}

Error performing update

Error preparing statements

Error processing chunk {:016X}

Error processing file {}

Error processing slice {}-{}

Error processing symbolic link {}

Error purging database

Error querying database chunk

Error reading PKCS12 file '%s'

Error reading Pak

Error reading Pak info

Error reading Unity archive Unity version

Error reading Unity archive generator version

Error reading Unity archive header

Error reading Unity archive metadata

Error reading Unity archive signature

Error reading Unity archive version

Error reading bundle footer

Error reading bundle {}

Error reading chunk

Error reading chunk data

Error reading chunk data from source file {}

Error reading chunk data from the cache

Error reading chunk entries

Error reading chunk {:016X}

Error reading chunk {:016X} for caching

Error reading chunk {:016X} from the cache

Error reading file

Error reading file data

Error reading from bundle

Error reading from cache

Error reading from file at offset {}

Error reading full directory index

Error reading manifest

Error reading part {}

Error reading path hash index

Error reading pruned directory index

Error reading unencodable entries

Error reading {} bytes at offset {}

Error reading {} bytes at offset {} from {}

Error reading {} chunks from local seeded bundle {:016X}

Error rebuilding patch database

Error rechunking {}-byte file {} with id {:016X}

Error recording chunks for rechunked file {}

Error recording rechunked file {}

Error removing chunks for extra file {}

Error removing chunks for missing file {}

Error removing chunks for rechunked file {}

Error removing chunks from database

Error removing deleted directory {}

Error removing empty directory {}

Error removing entry for extra file {}

Error removing file chunks from database

Error removing file from database

Error removing file from disk

Error removing missing file {} from database

Error removing rechunked file {} from database

Error removing truncated chunks from database

Error resetting synchronous mode

Error resolving addresses

Error resolving addresses asynchronously: {}

Error resolving addresses: {}

Error resolving {}

Error retrieving match result

Error scanning database contents

Error setting ALPN

Error setting application ID

Error setting cache size

Error setting certificate verify locations, continuing anyway

Error setting certificate verify locations:  CAfile: %s CApath: %s

Error setting defensive mode

Error setting end of file

Error setting exclusive locking mode

Error setting file information

Error setting file permissions

Error setting file pointer

Error setting journal mode

Error setting temporary store

Error setting user version

Error signaled by ssl ctx callback

Error starting database transaction

Error starting foreign key check

Error starting integrity check

Error truncating file to {} bytes

Error updating chunk {:016X} for file {:016X}

Error updating file dependency information

Error updating file in database

Error upgrading database

Error verifying chunk: Invalid ID {:016X}

Error verifying consistency of chunks for file {}

Error verifying install

Error verifying install at {}

Error verifying manifest body

Error verifying {}-byte manifest signature: EVP_DigestVerifyFinal returned {}

Error while processing content unencoding: %s

Error while processing content unencoding: Unknown failure within decompression software.

Error writing bundle {}

Error writing chunks to database

Error writing manifest to disk

Error writing slice

Error writing slice to file

Error writing {size}-byte {}-chunk slice {}-{} of file {} to disk

Error writing {} bytes at offset {}

Error writing {}-byte {}-chunk slice {}-{} of file {} to disk

Format error in CRL's lastUpdate field

Format error in CRL's nextUpdate field

Format error in certificate's notAfter field

Format error in certificate's notBefore field

HTTP error before end of send, keep sending

HTTP error before end of send, stop sending

HTTP request failed with error code {}: {}

Internal error clearing splay node = %d

Internal error removing splay node = %d

Invalid start offset

Ioctl callback returned error %d

No error detected

OsError 0x%lx (%lu)

SSL: Unable to open issuer cert (%s)

SSL: Unable to read issuer cert (%s)

SSL: unable to obtain common name from peer certificate

SSL_ERROR unknown

Seek callback returned error %d

Start date

Stream error in the HTTP/2 framing layer

Syntax error after column name %.*s

Unable to close due to unfinalized statements or unfinished backups

Unable to create an SSL structure

Unable to decode issuer public key

Unable to decrypt CRL's signature

Unable to decrypt certificate's signature

Unable to delete/modify collation sequence due to active statements

Unable to delete/modify user-function due to active statements

Unable to determine release ID from URL {}

Unable to get CRL issuer certificate

Unable to get certificate CRL

Unable to get issuer certificate

Unable to get local issuer certificate

Unable to get the page. error code=%d

Unable to identify the object to be reindexed

Unable to open a temporary database file for storing temporary tables

Unable to open database file

Unable to open database: %s

Unable to parse FTP file list

Unable to set private key file: '%s' type %s

Unable to use function %s in the requested context

Unable to use private key from PKCS12 file '%s'

Unable to verify the first certificate

Unknown error %d (%#x)

Unrecoverable error in call to nameserver

Unrecoverable error in select/poll

Unspecified error code

Waiting for {} jobs to complete before returning error for {}

Last update: 16/05/2024