


32 bit
Threat Score
0 %
Original size
4715.8 Kb
Download size
1723.1 Kb

!error &





%s: Decoding error at scanline %d,


%s: Error writing SubIFD directory link

%s: Seek error accessing TIFF directory

%s: Seek error at scanline %lu

%s: Write error at scanline %lu

++ERROR: Unknown error - 0xA84C

- unable to initialize heap

- unable to open console device

A security error of unknown cause has been detected which has

An error encountered during JPEG compression

An error occurred during Page import

An error occurred during linearization: 

An error occurred during page import: 

An error occurred while decoding JBIG2 stream

An error occurred while embedding the image file.

An error occurred while rebalancing the NameTree

An error occurred while rebalancing the NameTree (2)

An error occurred while trying to save the file.

An unknown error occurred during linearization.

An unknown error occurred during page import

C@Error in PNG module

Cannot implement multi-component transform.  It seems that image components which must be processed by a common transform block (or decorrelating colour transform) have incompatible dimensions.  This error may also be detected if the sub-sampling factors associated with an MCT output image component vary from tile to tile or if relative component size change from resolution level to resolution level (due to incompatible Part-2 downsampling factor style usage).  While these latter conditions might not be strictly illegal,

 they are clearly foolish.

Code-stream must start with an SOC marker!

Define Restart Interval %u

Encountered a corrupted packet while using packet length information to access the compressed data source in a random access fashion.  To process corrupted code-streams in an error resilient manner,

 you must disable seeking on the compressed data source (i.e.,

 force sequential access) as well as enabling the resilient parsing mode.

Error attempting to convert geometrically transformed canvas coordinates to legal marker ranges.  Try using a smaller precinct size (you can use the transcoding utility to achieve this at the same time as geometric transformations.

Error during page import

Error encoding a Flate stream

Error fetching data for field %s

Error fetching directory count

Error fetching directory link

Error flushing data before directory write

Error in Kakadu File Format Support:

Error in Kakadu Stripe Decompressor:

Error loading the object. 

Error locating the compressed object stream

Error occurred in attribute

Error post-encoding before directory write

Error reading the image file

Error writing TIFF header

Error writing data for field %s

Error writing directory contents

Error writing directory count

Error writing directory link

Error writing to the file

Heap exhausted.  Unable to allocate sufficient memory for code-block state information.

Illegal inclusion tag tree encountered while decoding a packet header.  This problem can arise if empty packets are used (i.e.,

 packets whose first header bit is 0) and the value coded by the inclusion tag tree in a subsequent packet is not exactly equal to the index of the quality layer in which each code-block makes its first contribution.  Such an error may arise from a mis-interpretation of the standard.  The problem may also occur as a result of a corrupted code-stream.  Try re-opening the image with the resilient mode enabled.

JBIG2 Encoder reported error 0x%lX

JP2-family data source terminated unexpectedly

 unable to read all EP parameter fields for CIELab or CIEJab enumerated colour space.

JPXDecode: An error occurred reading the image

Libpng error no. %s: %s

Output file write error --- out of disk space?

Region of interest up-shift value.  All subband samples which are involved in the synthesis of any image sample which belongs to the foreground region of an ROI mask will be effectively shifted up (scaled by two the power of this shift value) prior to quantization.  The region geometry is specified independently and is not explicitly signalled through the code-stream


 this shift must be sufficiently large to enable the decoder to separate the foreground and background on the basis of the shifted sample amplitudes alone.  You will receive an appropriate error message if the shift value is too small.

Requests the insertion of TLM (tile-part-length) marker segments in the main header,

 to facilitate random access to the code-stream.  This attribute takes a single integer-valued parameter,

 which identifies the maximum number of tile-parts which will be written to the code-stream for each tile.  The reason for including this parameter is that space for the TLM information must be reserved ahead of time

 once the entire code-stream has been written the generation machinery goes back and overwrites this reserved space with actual TLM data.  If the actual number of tile-parts which are generate is less than the value supplied here,

 empty tile-parts will be inserted into the code-stream so as to use up all of the reserved TLM space.  For this reason,

 you should try to estimate the maximum number of tile-parts you will need as accurately as possible,

 noting that the actual value may be hard to determine ahead of time if incremental flushing features are to be employed.  In any event,

 no JPEG2000 code-stream may have more than 255 tile-parts.  An error will be generated at run-time if the declared maximum number of tile-parts turns out to be insufficient.  You should note that this attribute may be ignored if the target device does not support repositioning functionality.

Runtime error 

Start Of Frame 0x%02x: width=%u,



Start Of Scan: %d components

Start of Image

TIFFCompress: An error occurred while compressing the image

The evaluation version encountered an error in your system configuration. 

There was an error reading the embedded font

There was an error reading the font

Unable to access the description of stage 

Unable to find ATK marker segment referenced from within an COD/COC or MCC marker segment.

Unable to modify the existing multi-component transform to work with a reduced number of codestream image components during transcoding.  Cannot create a taylored null transform to interface the components,

 since all allowed MCC marker segment instance indices have been used up already.

Unable to open the ICC profile

Unable to open the file

Unable to open the output file for writing. It may be locked or unavailable.

Unable to write ATK marker segment yet! Some info missing.

Unable to write CBD marker segment! Precision or signed/unsigned information missing for at least one MCT output component.

Unable to write MCC (Multi-component transform Component Collection) marker segment,

 since the amount of information is too large to fit within a single marker segment.  The codestream syntax for this Part-2 marker segment allows the information to be split across multiple marker segments,

 but this feature is not yet implemented in Kakadu -- it is a rare application indeed that should need this.

Unable to write SIZ marker segment yet!

Unable to write SIZ marker segment! Precision or sub-sampling information missing for at least one component.

Unable to write international text

Last update: 22/03/2024