


32 bit
Threat Score
0 %
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1503.2 Kb
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553 Kb

    j     x[j]       Forward dx[j]    Central dx[j]    Error Est.

   A computed standard error is zero due to rounding errors.

   Error code has not been set by the last function called.

   The function was unable to estimate the scores with estimated error

  %s to start another problem.

  An error weight has become zero during the integration,

  An internal error has occurred in this function.

  Error at MPSX line %1ld:

  Error at MPSX line %ld:

  Error occurred when writing to file %s.

  In order to satisfy the error requirements %s 

  No error assessment is available as it was not requested in the call

  Numerical error in trying to satisfy the general constraints.

  Restart from the current point with options.init_state = Nag_Init_None.

  Round-off error is detected during extrapolation.

  Round-off error prevents the requested tolerance from

  Round-off error prevents the requested tolerance from being achieved

  The degrees of freedom for error are <

= zero.

  The degrees of freedom for error are 0. A saturated model has been fitted.

  The error tolerances are too stringent. rtol and atol should

  The function has been called either with start = FALSE the very first 

  The global error assessment algorithm failed at the start of the

  The global error assessment may not be reliable for t past %s.

  The overall relative cancellation error in the gradient estimate, g, or

  You must call %s to start another problem.

  j    X(j)    Fwd diff int  Cent diff int   Error est     Grad est    Hess diag est  Nfun Info

  j    X(j)    Fwd diff int  Cent diff int   Error est  Hess diag est  Nfun Info

  options.start = Nag_Warm but pointer options.state = NULL.

  probably due to rounding error or due to incorrectly specified input values

  sestat, the standard error of the estimate of the function, se(F) = 0.0

  start = FALSE.

  start has been set to Nag_Warm at the first call of this function.

  state not equal to Nag_NewStart on first call.

  tgot(tstart on the first call) = tend. You must call 

  that does not lie between the previous value of tgot(tstart on the 

  that is not sufficiently different from the last value of tgot(tstart 

  to start another problem.

 ** A serious error has occurred in an internal call to %6.6s: IFAIL =%6ld

 ** A serious error has occurred in an internal call to F11GDF: IREVCM =%6ld

 ** A serious error has occurred in an internal call to F11ZBF.

 *** Start of NAG Library implementation details ***

0?MKL ERROR : Parameter 

Allocation error 

Error from %s.


Start of major itn. %1ld

The largest relative error was %7.2e in constraint %-3ld

The largest relative error was %7.2e in element %-3ld

The largest relative error was %7.2e in row %1ld column %1ld

The largest relative error was %7.2e in subfunction %-3ld

Unable To Close the Output File: %s

Unable To Open Input File: %s

Unable To Open Output File: %s

Unable To Write to the Output File: %s

Unable to close file, opened for input by x04bax: %s

Last update: 16/05/2024