
Microsoft Corporation

Microsoft TeamFoundation Git Controls dll

32 bit
Threat Score
0 %
Original size
1530.3 Kb
Download size
461.4 Kb
(An error occurred initializing the view.

-Unable to determine the change for this file.

6Unable to determine the previous change for this file.

7Enable download of author images from 3rd party source.

97Enable download of author images from 3rd party source.

:Unable to determine the reference in the remote to delete.

=TF206000: Unable to annotate {0} because it is a binary file.

?TF206010: Unable to load the file {0} in the Annotation Viewer.

@Unable to determine the remote URL for the current team project.

AUnable to resume history from the last displayed commit.  No additional history can be retrieved.

An unknown error occurred.

DUnable to determine the repository URL for the current team project.

MUnable to create VSTS account. Please reenter your credentials and try again.

NUnable to switch VSTS accounts. Please reenter your credentials and try again.

Unable to open file.

While committing to multiple repos, an error occurred. See the Output window for details. Successfully created the following commits: {0}.

ZUnable to publish the branch to the remote. Please reenter your credentials and try again.

{Unable to push because the current branch does not track a remote branch. Publish the branch to push changes to the remote.

}Unable to sync because the current branch does not track a remote branch. Publish the branch to sync changes with the remote.

Last update: 22/03/2024