
Microsoft Corporation

Database Engine Setup Extension

64 bit
Threat Score
0 %
Original size
731.8 Kb
Download size
197.8 Kb
        SqlEngineCanStart = true

        This means that when SqlEngineCanStart is true the upgrade won't be blocked

)Cluster Resource DLL Update Restart Check

0Error {0} validating the Windows share name {1}.

1Set to 1 to enable RANU for SQL Server Express.

5Level to enable FILESTREAM feature at (0, 1, 2 or 3).

Cluster resource DLLs may be updated, resulting in restart of one or more other clustered SQL Server instances active on this node.

Cluster resource DLLs will be updated, resulting in restart of one or more other clustered SQL Server instances active on this node.

FFailed to contact '{0}' due a communication error. Error returned: {1}

Failed to retrieve matrix information from '{0}'. Check if it corresponds to a serverinstance of a valid brick in a matrix. Error returned: {1}

HWait on the Database Engine recovery handle failed. Check the SQL Server error log for potential causes.

JThe Database Engine error log location is missing from the Parameters key.

LFailed to shutdown the instance with process ID {0}. Error encountered: {1}.

Lock Pages In Memory (LPIM) feature was not enabled on the 32-bit installation. However, LPIM privilege exists for engine service and this will enable LPIM feature in the upgraded version. Remove the LPIM previlege for engine service if you do not want LPIM feature in the upgraded instance.

Lock Pages In Memory (LPIM) feature was not enabled on the 64-bit installation. However, LPIM privilege exists for engine service and this will enable LPIM feature in the upgraded version. Remove the LPIM previlege for engine service if you do not want LPIM feature in the upgraded instance.

Unable to determine if all system databases are accessible. Check the Setup log for possible errors. If any system databases are not accessible, Setup might fail.

Unable to determine if system databases use SQL Server features that are not supported in this edition of SQL Server. Check the Setup log for possible errors. If system databases use unsupported features, such as data compression, the instance will not start.

Unable to determine if there are databases attached with FILESTREAM filegroups and READ_COMMITTED_SNAPSHOT or ALLOW_SNAPSHOT_ISOLATION enabled.  Check the setup log for possible errors. Databases that have both FILESTREAM filegroups and READ_COMMITTED_SNAPSHOT or ALLOW_SNAPSHOT_ISOLATION enabled will fail to start.

Unable to determine if user databases use SQL Server features that are not supported in this edition of SQL Server. Check the Setup log for possible errors. If user databases use unsupported features, such as data compression, the databases will not be accessible on this instance after the Setup operation completes.

ZThe service failed to start for an unknown reason. For more information, see the event logs and the SQL Server error logs.

Last update: 22/03/2024