

Microsoft Corporation

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 The SoftwareElementState is defined in this model to  identify various states of a software elements life cycle.   - A software element in the deployable state describes     the details necessary to successful distribute it and     the details (conditions and actions) required to create     a software element in the installable state (i.e., the next state).  - A software element in the installable state describes     the details necessary to successfully install it and the    details (conditions and actions required to create a     software element in the executable state (i.e., the next state).  - A software element in the executable state describes the     details necessary to successfully  start it and the details     (conditions and actions required to create a software element in     the running state (i.e., the next state).  - A software element in the running state describes the details     necessary to monitor and operate on a start element.

.. - Other - For integer values other than those listed above, refer to Win32 error code documentation.

14	This device cannot work properly until you restart your computer. 

14     This device cannot work properly until you restart your computer. 

7The ServiceSpecificExitCode property specifies a service-specific error code for errors that occur while the service is either starting or stopping. The exit codes are defined by the service represented by this class. This value is only set when the ExitCodeproperty value is ERROR_SERVICE_SPECIFIC_ERROR, 1066.

BThe StartMode property indicates the start mode of the Win32 base service. Boot specifies a device driver started by the operating system loader. This value is valid only for driver services. System specifies a device driver started by the IoInitSystem function. This value is valid only for driver services. Automatic specifies a service to be started automatically by the service control manager during system startup. Manual specifies a service to be started by the service control manager when a process calls the StartService function. Disabled specifies a service that can no longer be started.

Based on detected settings, the SQL Server instance is clustered, but no clustered features could be found. SQL Server Setup is unable to repair the instance due to the mismatch in detected settings. To continue, confirm that the failover cluster network name is correct and that the installed features were successfully clustered.

DIndicates the Win32 Configuration Manager error code.  The following values may be returned: 

Data width of the physical memory, in bits. A data width of 0 and a total width of 8 would indicate that the memory is solely used to provide error correction bits.

ErrorDescription is a free-form string supplying more information about the error recorded in LastErrorCode property, and information on any corrective actions that may be taken.

GThere was an error setting the cluster group name to '{0}'.  Error: {1}

If this service fails to start during startup, the ErrorControl property specifies the severity of the error. The value indicates the action taken by the startup program if failure occurs. All errors are logged by the computer system. The computer system does not notify the user of Ignore errors. With Normal errors the user is notified. With Severe errors, the system is restarted with the last-known-good configuration. Finally, onCritical errors the system attempts to restart with a good configuration.

Indicates the Win32 Configuration Manager error code.  The following values may be returned: 

JLastErrorCode captures the last error code reported by the logical device.

OErrorCleared is a boolean property indicating that the error reported in LastErrorCode property is now cleared.

QThere was an error removing possible owner '{0}' from resource '{1}'.  Error: {2}

SThere was an error looking up common property '{0}' for resource '{1}'.  Error: {2}

SThere was an error refreshing the cluster data for the possible owners.  Error: {0}

TThere was an error looking up private property '{0}' for resource '{1}'.  Error: {2}

The Debug property indicates whether the operating system is a checked (debug) build. Checked builds provide error checking, argument verification, and system debugging code. Additional code in a checked binary generates a kernel debugger error message and breaks into the debugger. This helps  immediately determine the cause and location of the error. Performance suffers in the checked build due to the additional code that is executed.

The ExitCode property specifies a Win32 error code defining any problems encountered in starting or stopping the service. This property is set to ERROR_SERVICE_SPECIFIC_ERROR (1066) when the error is unique to the service represented by this class, and information about the error is available in the ServiceSpecificExitCode member. The service sets this value to NO_ERROR when running, and again upon normal termination.

The MSDTC service is not running on computer {0}. Some SQL Server features require the MSDTC service. If MSDTC is clustered, verify that the MSDTC service is up and running through Cluster Administrator. If the MSDTC service is not clustered, start the MSDTC service through the Services MMC snap-in.

The SystemStartupSetting property indicates the index of the default start profile. This value is 'calculated' so that it usually returns zero (0) because at write-time, the profile string is physically moved to the top of the list. (This is how Windows NT determines which value is the default.)

The TagId property specifies a unique tag value for this service in the group. A value of 0 indicates that the service has not been assigned a tag. A tag can be used for ordering service startup within a load order group by specifying a tag order vector in the registry located at: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESystemCurrentControlSetControlGroupOrderList. Tags are only evaluated for Kernel Driver and File System Driver start type services that have Boot or System start modes.

The WaitHint property specifies the estimated time required (in milliseconds) for a pending start, stop, pause, or continue operation. After the specified amount of time has elapsed, the service makes its next call to the SetServiceStatus function with either an incremented CheckPoint value or a change in Current State. If the amount of time specified by WaitHint passes, and CheckPoint has not been incremented, or the Current State has not changed, the service control manager or service control program assumes that an error has occurred.

There was an error during the SQL Server upgrade operation. Setup failed to move the failover cluster resource group and bring it online.  To continue this upgrade operation, bring the resource group online manually and retry Setup.  Reason: {0}

This is the only node in the SQL Server failover cluster. During the upgrade process, SQL Server Setup will restart the SQL Server resource group and complete the database upgrade. Applications will not be able to connect to SQL Server services while the database upgrade is in progress.

This object contains the data needed to find either the initial load device (its key) or the boot service to request the operating system to start up. In addition, the load parameters (ie, a pathname and parameters) may also be specified.

Total width, in bits, of the physical memory, including check or error correction bits. If there are no error correction bits, the value in this property should match that specified for the DataWidth property.

YErrorMethodology is a free-form string describing the type(s) of error detection and correction supported by this device.

There was an error looking up common read-only property '{0}' for resource '{1}'. Error: {2}

_There was an error setting common property '{0}' to value '{1}' for resource '{2}'.  Error: {3}

{There was an error getting the cluster group name. Error: {0}. Ensure that the name you provided is correct, and try again.

~ErrorMethodology is a free-form string describing the type of error detection and correction supported by this storage extent.

Last update: 16/05/2024