
Blue Fang Games, LLC

Zoo Tycoon Localizable Resources

32 bit
Threat Score
0 %
Original size
467 Kb
Download size
104.4 Kb
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- unable to open console device

Kangaroos are so well-designed for hopping that they are unable to walk. They have large, powerful hind feet which cannot move independently of each other, and a tendon in their legs that behaves like a rubber band, conserving energy as they move. The faster they move, the less energy they use. Red kangaroos can hop as fast as 40 mph, making leaps as long as 29 feet. Kangaroos will run from danger, rather than fight, although they have a large claw attached to their hind leg which can make them quite dangerous at close quarters. The kangaroo's long and heavy tail provides balance and support. 

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The Bengal tiger's stiff whiskers enable it to move through thick cover in the dark.  If the whiskers fit, the whole body can follow.  These tigers have white ear spots which may help mothers and cubs to keep track of each other when travelling through the dim tropical forests.  Tigers will take advantage of human-made trails and roads. 

The town of Smallsville has been given a large monetary donation to start a new zoo.  You have been hired to manage the construction and day-to-day operations.  The first task is to build an exhibit, purchase a Bengal tiger, and hire a zookeeper to care for the new animal. 

When penguins are hungry, they will often start walking together in large groups. Penguins will huddle together to conserve heat. If a penguin is too warm, it holds its flippers away from its body, so both surfaces of the flippers are exposed to air, releasing heat.

Last update: 22/03/2024