
Microsoft Corporation

Failover Cluster Framework Library

64 bit
Threat Score
0 %
Original size
831.5 Kb
Download size
269.2 Kb

 Error reading the event log: {0}

!Unable to create the group '{0}'.

#An error occurred copying a string.

%An error occurred opening node '{0}'.

%An error occurred pausing node '{0}'.

%Unable to force the cluster to start.

'Error retrieving the event description.

'Unable to get the group type for '{0}'.

'Unable to set the group type for '{0}'.


An error occurred evicting node '{0}'.


An error occurred resuming node '{0}'.


Error displaying the dependency report


An error occurred removing '{0}' as a possible owner of  '{1}'


An error occurred saving a multiple string property for '{0}'.


Parsing error at position {0} -- resource ID without operator.


There was an error adding '{0}' to the Cluster Shared Volumes.


There was an error removing '{0}' from Cluster Shared Volumes.


Unable to load ip address information from the resource '{0}'.


Unable to retrieve the common properties for  the group '{0}'.


An error occurred adding '{0}' as a possible owner of  '{1}'


An error occurred getting the cluster information for '{0}'.


An error occurred while finding DNS information about '{0}'.


There was an error configuring the file share witness '{0}'.


Unable to get common properties for the resource type '{0}'.


Unable to remove '{0}' from the permissions for share '{1}'.


Unable to retrieve the preferred owners for the group '{0}'.

(An error occurred opening cluster '{0}'.

(An error occurred opening network '{0}'.

)An error occurred creating cluster '{0}'.

)An error occurred opening resource '{0}'.

*Unable to save property changes for '{0}'.

+An error occurred destroying cluster '{0}'.

+Could not enable machine account '{0}{1}'.

+Unable to get the domain for cluster '{0}'.

+Unable to retrieve the services from '{0}'.

,Unable to get the flags for the group '{0}'.

.An error was encountered loading ClNetCfg.dll.

.Unable the save the properties of share '{0}'.

/An error occurred creating resource type '{0}'.

/An error occurred deleting resource type '{0}'.

0An error occurred while setting the value '{0}'.

1An error occurred while deleting the value '{0}'.

1An error occurred while opening the subkey '{0}'.

1An error occurred while querying the value '{0}'.

2An error occurred opening network interface '{0}'.

2An error occurred traversing properties for '{0}'.

2An error occurred while creating the subkey '{0}'.

2An error occurred while deleting the subkey '{0}'.

3An error occurred closing the connection to  '{0}'.

3An error occurred decrypting the crypto checkpoint.

3An error occurred renaming resource '{0}' to '{1}'.

3An error occurred resetting the password for '{0}'.

3An error occurred while renaming the cluster '{0}'.

4An error occurred setting the name of cluster '{0}'.

4Parsing error at position {0} -- nested parenthesis.

4Unable to retrieve the quorum information for '{0}'.

5An error occurred saving a string property for '{0}'.

5Parsing error at position {0} -- mixing of operators.

5Unable to retrieve the resources for the group '{0}'.

6An error occurred renaming the network '{0}' to '{1}'.

6Unable to generate a group name for the cluster '{0}'.

7An error occurred reading source cluster registry data.

7An error occurred retrieving a property list for '{0}


7An error occurred saving an integer property for '{0}'.

8An error occurred adding resource '{0}' as a dependency.

8An error was encountered while attempting to ping '{0}'.

8Unable to refresh the information for the network '{0}'.

9An error occurred initiating a failure on resource '{0}'.

9There was an error creating your Generic Script resource.

9Unable to load the state information for the group '{0}'.

:An error occurred enumerating the network shares on '{0}'.

:An error occurred removing resource '{0}' from dependency.

:An error occurred retrieving an item from the enumeration.

:Unable to determine the canonical computer name for '{0}'.

:Unable to get characteristics for the resource type '{0}'.

:Unable to get possible owners for the resource type '{0}'.

An error occurred getting the cluster node state for '{0}'.

An error occurred while adding node '{0}' to cluster '{1}'.

Unable to get the network interfaces for the network '{0}'.

Unable to load the common properties for the network '{0}'.

Unable to load the state information for the network '{0}'.

=Unable to get private properties for the resource type '{0}'.

=Unable to grant '{0}' the needed permissions for share '{1}'.

?An error occurred getting information for the file share '{0}'.

?An error occurred while retrieving the resource's network name.

?An error occurred while saving a byte array property for '{0}'.

?Unable to retrieve the number of resources for the group '{0}'.

?Unable to retrieve the private properties for  the group '{0}'.

@An error occurred while attempting to delete the resource '{0}'.

@An error occurred while trying to display the dependency report.

A validation test was unable to get needed access to cluster or system resources, probably because another instance of the Validate a Configuration Wizard was already running on the cluster. If that is the cause, after the other instance completes, the report it generates will be in the %systemroot%ClusterReports folder on each cluster node.

AAn error occurred copying file share permissions for share '{0}'.

AAn error occurred retrieving the required dependencies for '{0}'.

AAn error occurred while starting the migration of resource '{0}'.

An error occurred while attempting to determine if the disk '{1}' is available to be clustered on '{0}' with resource type '{2}'.

BAn error occurred while canceling the migration of resource '{0}'.

BAn error occurred while validating a network name with node '{0}'.

BThere was an error removing CNO permissions from file share '{0}'.

CAn error occurred creating a cluster notify port for cluster '{0}'.

CAn error occurred when registering '{0}' for cluster notifications.

CAn error occurred while attempting to bring the group '{0}' online.

CAn error occurred while attempting to get the disk id of '{1}' from '{0}' with resource type '{2}'.

CAn error occurred while checking if node '{0}' can host disk '{1}'.

CAn error occurred while retrieving the registry key for the clustered service or application '{0}'.

CAn error occurred while setting possible owners for resource '{0}'.

CAn error was finding the function ClNetCfgFreeClusterSetupTopology.

DAn error occurred moving the clustered service or application '{0}'.

DAn error occurred while retrieving common properties for node '{0}'.

DAn error occurred while retrieving the resources for the node '{0}'.

DAn error was encountered while creating storage resources for '{0}'.

DAn error was encountered while determining shared storage for '{0}'.

EAn error occurred opening the clustered service or application '{0}'.

EAn error occurred when clustering a service or application for '{0}'.

EAn error occurred while loading state information for the node '{0}'.

EAn error occurred while retrieving private properties for node '{0}'.

EAn error was encountered while moving the clustered service or application '{0}' to a different node.

EThere was an error creating, configuring, or bringing online the Physical Disk resource (disk) '{0}'.

EUnable to get the number of network interfaces for the network '{0}'.

Error Code:

Error Loading Hyper-V...

Error finding resource.

Error in service or application

Error validating storage

FAn error occurred setting the network priority order of cluster '{0}'.

FAn error occurred setting the quorum configuration settings for '{0}'.

FAn error occurred while attempting to bring the resource '{0}' online.

FAn error occurred while attempting to take the resource '{0}' offline.

FAn error occurred while turning on maintenance for the resource '{0}'.

GAn error occurred setting the preferred owner node list for the clustered service or application '{0}'.

GAn error occurred while renewing the DHCP lease for the resource '{0}'.

GAn error occurred while retrieving the registry key for the node '{0}'.

GAn error occurred while turning off maintenance for the resource '{0}'.

GAn error was encountered while finding the network name for the clustered service or application '{0}'.

GAn error was finding the function ClNetCfgGetNodesClusterSetupTopology.

HAn error occurred while attempting to determine if the disk '{1}' is available to be clustered on '{0}'.

HAn error occurred while releasing the DHCP lease for the resource '{0}'.

HAn error occurred while waiting for the group '{0}' to change its state.

HAn error was encountered while attempting to shutdown the cluster '{0}'.

IAn error occurred retrieving the disk information for the resource '{0}'.

IAn error occurred while retrieving the dependents for the resource '{0}'.

IAn error was encountered while refreshing the information for the clustered service or application '{0}'.

JAn error occurred while attempting to get the disk id of '{1}' from '{0}'.

JAn error occurred while retrieving the registry key for the cluster '{0}'.

JAn error occurred while retrieving the registry key for the network '{0}'.

KAn error occurred while getting the characteristics for the resource '{0}'.

KAn error occurred while retrieving the current name for the resource '{0}'.

KAn error occurred while retrieving the dependencies for the resource '{0}'.

KAn error occurred while retrieving the display name for the resource '{0}'.

KAn error occurred while retrieving the registry key for the resource '{0}'.

KUnable to determine if the group name '{1}' is in use by the cluster '{0}'.

LAn error occurred while adding a registry checkpoint for the resource '{0}'.

LAn error occurred while determining if the resource '{0}' is in maintenance.

LAn error occurred while retrieving state information for the resource '{0}'.

LAn error occurred while retrieving the resource type for the resource '{0}'.

LAn error was encountered while determining if the clustered service or application '{0}' has a network name.

LNo message exists for the error which occurred.  The error code is 0x{0:x8}.

MAn error occurred while retrieving the network interfaces for the node '{0}'.

NAn error occurred retrieving the disks available for clustering on node '{0}'.

NAn error occurred while removing a registry checkpoint for the resource '{0}'.

NAn error occurred while retrieving the characteristics for the resource '{0}'.

NAn error occurred while retrieving the possible owners for the resource '{0}'.

NAn error occurred while validating the Generic Script path for the node '{0}'.

NAn error occurred while verifying that a path is valid for the resource '{0}'.

OAn error occurred renaming the clustered service or application '{0}' to '{1}'.

OAn error occurred while checking if disk '{0}' is visible by all cluster nodes.

OAn error occurred while retrieving the registry checkpoints the resource '{0}'.

OThere was an error retrieving the unique identifier for the Cluster Shared Volume that contains the path '{0}'.

PAn error occurred while retrieving the common properties for the resource '{0}'.

PAn error occurred while retrieving the registry key for the resource type '{0}'.

PAn error occurred while updating possible owners for disk '{1}' with node '{0}'.

PThere was an error granting the cluster access to the selected file share '{0}'.

Parsing error at position {0}.

QAn error occurred when loading the properties of the Cluster Shared Volume '{0}'.

QAn error occurred while checking if chkdsk.exe needs to be run on resource '{0}'.

QAn error occurred while determining if the shared volume '{0}' is in maintenance.

QAn error occurred while retrieving the private properties for the resource '{0}'.

RAn error occurred looking up the security ID of the cluster name object for '{0}'.

RAn error was encountered while modifying the quorum settings.

SAn error occurred checking if the client access point '{0}' is fully ready for use.

SAn error occurred while enabling redirected access for Cluster Shared Volume '{0}'.

SAn error occurred while retrieving the number of dependents for the resource '{0}'.

SAn error occurred while setting the dependency relationship for the resource '{0}'.

SAn error occurred while turning on maintenance for the Cluster Shared Volume '{0}'.

SAn error occurred while validating the Generic Application path for the node '{0}'.

SAn error was encountered while deleting the clustered service or application '{0}'.

TAn error occurred trying to get the quorum configuration settings for cluster '{0}'.

TAn error occurred while disabling redirected access for Cluster Shared Volume '{0}'.

TAn error occurred while retrieving the collection of nodes that can host disk '{0}'.

TAn error occurred while retrieving the common property '{0}' for the resource '{1}'.

TAn error occurred while retrieving the registry key for the network interface '{0}'.

TAn error occurred while turning off maintenance for the Cluster Shared Volume '{0}'.

There is an error preventing Cluster Shared Volume '{0}' from coming online. To successfully resume the shared volume is must be brought online.

There was an error retrieving information from the registry. For more information about this failure see the FailoverClustering-Manager Admin channel in Event Viewer.

UAn error occurred while adding a cryptographic key checkpoint for the resource '{0}'.

UAn error occurred while retrieving the class information for the resource type '{0}'.

UAn error occurred while retrieving the number of dependencies for the resource '{0}'.

UAn error occurred while retrieving the private property '{0}' for the resource '{1}'.

UAn error occurred while updating the Virtual Machine Configuration of resource '{0}'.

Unable to convert time

VAn error occurred while retrieving the dependency relationship for the resource '{0}'.

VThere was an error getting information about the mount points for physical disk '{0}'.

VThere was an error removing CNO permissions from the file system for file share '{0}'.

WAn error occurred setting the drive letter for a disk controlled by the resource '{0}'.

WAn error occurred while attempting to claim cluster ownership of disk '{1}' from '{0}'.

WAn error occurred while removing a cryptographic key checkpoint for the resource '{0}'.

WAn error occurred while retrieving the number of network interfaces for the node '{0}'.

XAn error occurred while retrieving the resource type information for the resource '{0}'.

XThere was an error retrieving the unique identifier for the Cluster Shared Volume '{0}'.

YAn error occurred creating resource '{0}' for the clustered service or application '{1}'.

YAn error occurred placing resource '{0}' in a different clustered service or application.

YAn error occurred while checking if all nodes are possible owners for the resource '{0}'.

ZAn error occurred while determining the available drive letters for the node '{0}' with storage class resource type '{1}'.

[Error trying opening a cluster, mismatch libraries found, check event log for more details.

[There was an error retrieving information about the volumes of Cluster Shared Volume '{0}'.

An error occurred while retrieving the cryptographic key checkpoints for the resource '{0}'.

]An error occurred while retrieving the clustered services or applications for the node '{0}'.

_An error occurred while attempting to bring the clustered service or application '{0}' offline.

Last update: 22/03/2024