
Microsoft Corporation

F12 Developer Tools Resources

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				name: Console

                                            this._firstCompilerError = this._firstCompilerError.slice(pos)

                                        hasMovedToStart = true

                                        if (e instanceof Error &


 e.name === canceledName) {

                                        this._htmlStart = scriptEnd + 1

                                        this.firstError = s

                                        var sourceSpan = new FormatService.SourceSpanBuilder(this._htmlStart, scriptStart - 1, false)


                                    if (e instanceof Error &


 e.name === canceledName) {

                                    if(isScriptSupported &


 scriptStart <

 scriptEnd) {

                                    if(start &


 length &


 _this.prettyPrintEnabledForActiveDocument !== Tristate.On) {

                                    if(this.firstError === ) {

                                    scr.onerror = function () {


                                    this._error = true

                                    this._firstCompilerError = outerr.firstError

                                    var start = this._singleInputElement.selectionStart

                                    var zeroBasedEnd = document ? document.getFormattedPositionFromSourceOffset(frame.location.start + frame.location.length) : Debugger.FormatService.Position.empty

                                    var zeroBasedStart = document ? document.getFormattedPositionFromSourceOffset(frame.location.start) : Debugger.FormatService.Position.empty

                                Tools.Utility.Assert.HasValue(error, RPC

                                hasMovedToStart = true

                                if(bp.isBound &


 bp.isEnabled &


 bp.start === frame.location.start) {

                                this._multiInputElement.setSelectionRange(start + 1, start + 1)

                                this._selectionStart = rowIndex

                                value: inputId + #internal: + groupStart + : + (groupEnd - 1)

                                var hasMovedToStart = false

                                var required = seriesPoint.Timestamp >

 start &


 seriesPoint.Timestamp <

= end

                                var sourceSpan = new Debugger.FormatService.SourceSpanBuilder(this._htmlStart, scriptStart - 1, false)

                                var start = chunkId * chunkSize

                                var start = this._multiInputElement.selectionStart

                                var start = this._singleInputElement.selectionStart

                                var zeroBasedEnd = doc ? doc.getFormattedPositionFromSourceOffset(frame.rawLocation.start + frame.rawLocation.length) : Debugger.FormatService.Position.empty

                                var zeroBasedStart = doc ? doc.getFormattedPositionFromSourceOffset(frame.rawLocation.start) : Debugger.FormatService.Position.empty

                            _this._worker.onerror = function (e) {

                            divStart = previousPoint.Timestamp - this._selectedTimeRange.min >

 0 ? previousPoint.Timestamp : this._selectedTimeRange.min

                            error = marshalHostError(header.args[0])

                            error = new Error(Plugin.Resources.getErrorString(JSPlugin.1007))

                            focusDiv.style.left = ((divStart - this._graphInfo.gridX.min) / this._graphInfo.gridX.range * this._canvasDiv.clientWidth) - 1 + px

                            hasMovedToStart = true

                            if(!bp.isBound &


 bp.start <

= docLength &


 bp.start + bp.length <

= docLength) {

                            if(this._selectionStart <

 0 || !keepSelectionStart) {

                            if(this._selectionStart <

 0) {

                            if(this._sourceSpans[sourceSpanIndex].start <

= offset &


 this._sourceSpans[sourceSpanIndex].end >

= offset) {

                            if(typeof (dataIndex) !== number || start !== rowIndex) {

                            keepSelectionStart = false

                            lastIndex += range.end - range.start + 1

                            propertyName: [ + groupStart + ... + (groupEnd - 1) + ],

                            result += range.end - range.start + 1

                            returnValue.isError = true

                            start = start - 1

                            this._graphConfiguration.data.dataTimeRangeStart = timeRange.DataTimeRange.Start

                            this._isBreakOnNextError = false

                            this._selectionStart = 0

                            this._selectionStart = rowIndex

                            this.dataTimeRangeStart = 0

                            var end = Math.min(start + chunkSize, blob.size)

                            var hasMovedToStart = false

                            var required = seriesPoint.x >

 start &


 seriesPoint.x <

= end

                            var start = Math.min(this._selectionStart, rowIndex)

                            var start = partId * chunkSize

                        GenericError: An

                        Tools.Utility.Assert.IsTrue(start >

= 0, Invalid

                        concatStart = 

                        concatStart = []

                        divStart = previousPoint.x - this._selectedTimeRange.min >

 0 ? previousPoint.x : this._selectedTimeRange.min

                        filteredIndexStart += (parentContext ? parentContext.expandedCount : 0)

                        focusDiv.style.left = ((divStart - this._graphConfiguration.gridX.min) / this._graphConfiguration.gridX.range * this._canvasDiv.clientWidth) - 1 + px

                        groupStart = groupEnd

                        if((consoleItem.notifyType === Common.ObjectView.TreeViewNotifyType.error &


 !this._notificationFilters.errors) || (consoleItem.notifyType === Common.ObjectView.TreeViewNotifyType.assert &


 !this._notificationFilters.errors) || (consoleItem.notifyType === Common.ObjectView.TreeViewNotifyType.warn &


 !this._notificationFilters.warnings) || (consoleItem.notifyType === Common.ObjectView.TreeViewNotifyType.info &


 !this._notificationFilters.messages) || (consoleItem.notifyType === Common.ObjectView.TreeViewNotifyType.log &


 !this._notificationFilters.log)) {

                        if(filteredIndexStart >

= 0) {

                        if(onError != null) {

                        if(this._isBreakOnNextError || this._exceptionFilter === Debugger.ExceptionFilter.Handled || (this._exceptionFilter === Debugger.ExceptionFilter.Unhandled &


 !firstChance)) {

                        if(this._selectionStart <

 0 || !keepSelectionStart) {

                        if(this._selectionStart <

 0) {

                        if(typeof (dataIndex) !== number || start !== rowIndex) {

                        if(typeof divEnd !== undefined &


 typeof divStart !== undefined) {

                        if(typeof start === number &


 start >

 0) {

                        keepSelectionStart = false

                        lastIndex += range.end - range.start + 1

                        lineIndex = parseInt(fullId.substring(indexStart + 2), 10)

                        lines.push(containerStart + nodeNumber + header + inlineText + collapsedFooter + containerEnd)

                        result += range.end - range.start + 1

                        return Error

                        start = this.findEarlierStart(start, lineContent)


                        this._copyStart = element.selectionStart

                        this._data.start = start

                        this._editor.setSelectionRange(this._editor.selectionStart, this._editor.selectionStart + value)

                        this._error = false

                        this._firstCompilerError = 

                        this._htmlStart = 0


                        this._selectionStart = -1

                        this._selectionStart = 0

                        this._start = sourceSpanData.start

                        this.start = start

                        unfilteredIndexStart += (parentContext ? parentContext.descendantCount : 0)

                        var cachingStart = Math.max(0, range.start - this._options.payloadSize)

                        var end = Math.min(start + count, dataSource.length)

                        var error = new Error()

                        var hasMovedToStart = false

                        var keepSelectionStart = options &


 options.keepSelectionStart, doNotFireEvent = options &


 options.doNotFireEvent, toggle = options &



                        var scriptStart = this._index

                        var start = Math.min(this._selectionStart, rowIndex)

                        var start = this._textBox.selectionStart

                        var zeroBasedStart = document ? document.getFormattedPositionFromSourceOffset(start) : Debugger.FormatService.Position.empty

                    //  error has been handled by the promise infrastructure before we

                    // If the value throw from the error handler is the same as the value

                    // provided to the error handler then there is no need for a new promise.

                    ElementRecyclerFactory.prototype.start = function () {

                    InputControl.prototype.enable = function () {

                    errorInfo += rnError

                    expressionStart = startMatch[0]

                    filteredIndexStart = this._filteredList.length

                    filteredIndexStart = this.getIndexOfItem(this._filteredList, attachTo) + 1

                    for(var i = start - 1

 i >


 i--) {

                    if(consoleObj.error === undefined) {

                    if(evaluatedReturnValue &


 (evaluatedReturnValue.isError || evaluatedReturnValue.result === remoteCode.suppressPostCode)) {

                    if(filteredIndexStart >

= 0) {

                    if(indexStart >

 -1) {

                    if(start >

 0 &


 lineContent.charAt(start - 2) === .) {

                    if(typeof divEnd !== undefined &


 typeof divStart !== undefined) {

                    lines.push(containerStart + nodeNumber + header + collapsedFooter + containerEnd)

                    matchStart = start

                    message += rnError

                    response.error = worker.error

                    start = Math.round(DiagnosticsHub.Common.TimeStamp.fromNanoseconds(start).nsec)

                    text: expressionStart + expressionEnd,

                    this._copyStart = 0

                    this._copyStart = this._filterBox.selectionStart

                    this._currentSearchTokenStart = -1

                    this._currentSearchTokenStart = this._currentSearchTokenEnd - this._currentSearchToken.length

                    this._isBreakOnNextError = DebugProvider.isLaunchedViaJitDebugging

                    this._latestSnapshotError = v

                    this._selectionStart = -1


                    this.start = start

                    unfilteredIndexStart = this._unfilteredList.length

                    unfilteredIndexStart = this.getIndexOfItem(this._unfilteredList, attachTo) + 1

                    var cachingStart = Math.max(0, firstIndex - this._options.payloadSize)

                    var currentLineStart = currentLineStartMatch[0]

                    var docLength = start + (length || 0)

                    var end = Math.min(start + count, dataSource.length)

                    var error = new Error(message + n)

                    var groupStart = startRange, groupEnd = startRange

                    var hasMovedToStart = false

                    var index = filteredIndexStart - 1

                    var indexStart = fullId.lastIndexOf(::)

                    var keepSelectionStart = options &


 options.keepSelectionStart, doNotFireEvent = options &


 options.doNotFireEvent, toggle = options &



                    var removed = this._unfilteredList.splice(start + 1 + lineCount, unfilteredRemoveCount)

                    var start = (i * limit)

                    var start = this.getIndexOfItem(this._unfilteredList, item)

                    var start = tokenInfo.startColumn

                    var text = lineContent.substr(start - 1, tokenInfo.endColumn - start)

                    var zeroBasedEnd = this.getFormattedPositionFromSourceOffset(start + length)

                    var zeroBasedStart = this.getFormattedPositionFromSourceOffset(start)

                // If the promise is already in a error state and no error handler is provided

                /// A non-promise error value to be wrapped in a promise.

                /// A promise that is in an error state with the specified value.

                /// After the handlers have finished executing, this function throws any error that would have been returned

                /// Wraps a non-promise error value in a promise. You can use this function if you need

                /// by then() moves into the error state.

                /// error function.

                /// from then() as a promise in the error state.

                /// is passed as the single argument. If it is null, the error is forwarded.

                /// the error handling to be performed if the promise fails to fulfill

                /// the error state with a value of Error(Canceled).

                /// to pass an error to a function that requires a promise.

                BreakReason.Error = 6

                ConsoleWindow.prototype.onError = function (message, file, line, additionalInfo) {

                ConsoleWindow.prototype.writeError = function (messageId, messageText, fileUrl, lineNumber, columnNumber) {

                DataTips.prototype.findEarlierStart = function (start, line) {

                DebuggerManager.prototype.onRemoteScriptError = function (description, fileName, lineNumber, column) {

                DebuggerShell.prototype.onError = function (message, file, line, additionalInfo, column) {

                Diagnostics.prototype.reportError = function (message, url, lineNumber, additionalInfo, columnNumber) {

                Diagnostics.reportHostError = function reportHostError(message, additionalInfo) {

                EmulationWindow.prototype.onError = function (message, file, line, additionalInfo) {

                EntryType.ALE_ERROR = 1

                Logger.prototype.error = function (message) {

                ResourcesWindow.prototype.onError = function (message, file, line, additionalInfo) {

                ValidationStatus.Error = 2

                additionalInfo = Error

                if (value instanceof Error &


 value.message === canceledName) {

                if(indexStart >

 -1) {

                if(this._filteredList.length === 0 || filteredIndexStart === this._filteredList.length) {

                if(this._latestSnapshotError !== v) {

                if(this._unfilteredList.length === 0 || unfilteredIndexStart === this._unfilteredList.length) {

                if(unfilteredIndexStart >

= 0) {

                message = error ? error.toString() : null

                start = Math.round(VisualProfiler.TimeStamp.fromNanoseconds(start).nsec)

                this._currentSearchTokenStart = -1

                this._snapshotError = this.findElement(snapshotError)

                this._textBox.selectionEnd = match.start + newNum.length + match.extraLength

                this._textBox.selectionStart = match.start

                this.isStart = isStart

                this.setValue(newNum, match.start, match.start + length)

                throw new Error(error + JSPlugin.3006)

                var error = this._error.bind(this)

                var errorInfo = Error

                var expressionStart = 

                var filteredIndexStart = 0

                var filteredIndexStart = this.getIndexOfItem(this._filteredList, item)

                var indexStart = fullId.lastIndexOf(::)

                var message = Error

                var resultText = expressionStart + expressionEnd

                var start = textarea.selectionStart

                var unfilteredIndexStart = 0

                var unfilteredIndexStart = this.getIndexOfItem(this._unfilteredList, item)

            .snapshotTab >

 .snapshotErrorProgress >

 .snapshotError >

 .snapshotProcessingErrorFrown {

            /// <

returns type=Error locid=PluginUtilities.ErrorFromName_returnValue>

Error instance with .name and .message properties populated<


            /// After the handlers have finished executing, this function throws any error that would have been returned

            /// Creates an Error object with the specified name and message properties.

            /// The root to start in. Defaults to the global object.

            /// by then() moves into the error state.

            /// error function.

            /// from then() as a promise in the error state.

            /// is passed as the single argument. If it is null, the error is forwarded.

            /// the error handling to be performed if the promise fails to fulfill

            /// the error state with a value of Error(Canceled).

            ActivityLog.error = error

            DomExplorerWindow.prototype.onError = function (message, file, line, additionalInfo) {

            Port.prototype.reportError = function (messageId, error) {

            PortMessageEventArgs.prototype.reportError = function (error) {

            TreeViewNotifyType.error = 1

            controlCommands.error = 7

            error = eventArgs.GenericError

            error.handlesOnError = true

            error.innerError = hostErrorObject.innerError

            if (value instanceof Error &


 value.message === canceledName) {

            if(error instanceof Error) {

            if(typeof eventArgs.GenericError !== string || eventArgs.GenericError === ) {

            return error + errorId

            this._error = error

            this._latestSnapshotError = null

            this._snapshotProcessingError = this.findElement(snapshotProcessingError)

            this.model.latestSnapshotError = error

            var error = function (value) {

            var error = new Error(canceledName)

            var error = new Error(hostErrorObject.message + rn + hostErrorObject.stack)

            var error = this._model.latestSnapshotError

            var onError = listener.e

            var start = this._textBox.selectionStart

            window.onerror = function (e, url, line) {

            }while(start >

= 0 &


 (match &


 match[0].length || start === this._textBox.selectionStart - 1))

        .snapshotTab >

 .snapshotErrorProgress >

 .snapshotError {

        // ErrorFromName establishes a simple pattern for returning error codes.

        // Start up the UI !

        // While the last character is '/', truncate it and find the next / or the start of the string

        Diagnostics.onerror = onerror

        Diagnostics.reportError = reportError

        ElementRecyclerFactory.prototype.start = function () {

        ElementStyleModel.prototype.togglePropertyEnable = function (property, isEnabled, callback) {

        HostBridge.prototype.start = function () {

        IEHostBridge.prototype.start = function () {

        ProgramMain.prototype.reportError = function (error, additionalInfo, source, line, column) {

        RemoteDom.EditStylePropertyEnable = EditStylePropertyEnable


        SnapshotView.prototype.updateSnapshotError = function () {

        StyleProperty.prototype.toggleEnable = function () {

        SummaryView.prototype.showSnapshotError = function (error) {

        TraceEvents.Console_Attach_Start = 0x193

        TraceEvents.Console_Context_Menu_Loading_Start = 0x1a1

        TraceEvents.Console_HtmlLines_Expand_Start = 0x19f

        TraceEvents.Console_Input_Start = 0x197

        TraceEvents.Console_Intellisense_ListBox_Build_Start = 0x1a5

        TraceEvents.Console_Intellisense_ListBox_Reset_Start = 0x1a7

        TraceEvents.Console_Intellisense_Menu_Filter_Start = 0x1a9

        TraceEvents.Console_Intellisense_Menu_Layout_Start = 0x1ab

        TraceEvents.Console_Intellisense_Provider_Get_Expression_Start = 0x1ad

        TraceEvents.Console_Intellisense_Provider_Get_Items_Start = 0x1b1

        TraceEvents.Console_Intellisense_Provider_Update_Start = 0x1af

        TraceEvents.Console_Item_Toggle_Start = 0x19d

        TraceEvents.Console_Message_Start = 0x195

        TraceEvents.Console_Output_Render_Start = 0x19b

        TraceEvents.Console_Output_Start = 0x199

        TraceEvents.Console_Scroll_Start = 0x1a3

        TraceEvents.Console_Window_Create_Start = 0x191

        TraceEvents.Debugger_BreakpointController_BreakpointChanged_Start = 0x156

        TraceEvents.Debugger_BreakpointController_SetAllEnabledStates_Start = 0x13e

        TraceEvents.Debugger_BreakpointController_SetEnabledState_Start = 0x154

        TraceEvents.Debugger_BreakpointWindow_BreakpointChanged_Start = 0x158

        TraceEvents.Debugger_CallstackController_GoTo_Start = 0x13c

        TraceEvents.Debugger_CloseDocument_Start = 0x136

        TraceEvents.Debugger_EditorWindow_CreateDataTipFromPosition_Start = 0x152

        TraceEvents.Debugger_EditorWindow_NavigateTo_Start = 0x140

        TraceEvents.Debugger_Editor_ChangeViewZones_Start = 0x14a

        TraceEvents.Debugger_Editor_CreateModel_Start = 0x144

        TraceEvents.Debugger_Editor_Create_Start = 0x146

        TraceEvents.Debugger_Editor_Layout_Start = 0x148

        TraceEvents.Debugger_Editor_RestoreViewState_Start = 0x150

        TraceEvents.Debugger_Editor_RevealPosition_Start = 0x14c

        TraceEvents.Debugger_Editor_SaveViewState_Start = 0x14e

        TraceEvents.Debugger_Editor_SetModel_Start = 0x142

        TraceEvents.Debugger_OnBreak_Start = 0x130

        TraceEvents.Debugger_OpenDocument_Start = 0x134

        TraceEvents.Debugger_PrettyPrint_Start = 0x132

        TraceEvents.Debugger_RevealRange_Start = 0x13a

        TraceEvents.Debugger_StepInto_Start = 0x12e

        TraceEvents.Debugger_StepOut_Start = 0x12f

        TraceEvents.Debugger_StepOver_Start = 0x12d

        TraceEvents.Debugger_SwitchDocument_Start = 0x138

        TraceEvents.Debugger_WatchWindowView_RefreshView_Start = 0x15a

        TraceEvents.Dom_AddAttribute_Start = 0x1fd

        TraceEvents.Dom_DragDrop_Start = 0x1fb

        TraceEvents.Dom_ExpandNode_Start = 0x1f7

        TraceEvents.Dom_Intellisense_Start = 0x1ff

        TraceEvents.Dom_SelectElement_Start = 0x201

        TraceEvents.Dom_UndoRedo_Start = 0x1f9

        TraceEvents.Dom_Window_Create_Start = 0x1f5

        TraceEvents.Emulation_Window_Create_Start = 0x259

        TraceEvents.Generic_Debug_1_Start = 0x2bd

        TraceEvents.Generic_Debug_2_Start = 0x2bf

        TraceEvents.Generic_Debug_3_Start = 0x2c1

        TraceEvents.Generic_Debug_4_Start = 0x2c3

        TraceEvents.Generic_Debug_5_Start = 0x2c5

        TraceEvents.Generic_Debug_6_Start = 0x2c7

        TraceEvents.Generic_Debug_7_Start = 0x2c9

        TraceEvents.Generic_Debug_8_Start = 0x2cb

        TraceEvents.Generic_Debug_9_Start = 0x2cd

        TraceEvents.Memory_CompareSnapshot_Start = 0xcb

        TraceEvents.Memory_DisplayFirstLevelSnapshotData_Start = 0xd1

        TraceEvents.Memory_GridFilterUIResponse_Start = 0xd5

        TraceEvents.Memory_GridSort_Start = 0xcf

        TraceEvents.Memory_TakeSnapshot_Start = 0xc9

        TraceEvents.Memory_ToolReady_Start = 0xd3

        TraceEvents.Memory_ViewSnapshot_Start = 0xcd

        TraceEvents.Timeline_GridSort_Start = 0x67

        TraceEvents.Timeline_LoadGraphs_Start = 0x69

        TraceEvents.Timeline_UserSelectedTimeSlice_Start = 0x6d

        TraceEvents.Timeline_Zoom_Start = 0x65

        Utilities.marshalHostError = marshalHostError

        VisualProfilerView.prototype.showError = function (error, helpUrl) {

        __BROWSERTOOLS_ErrorHandler.prototype.onError = function (message, file, line) {

        controlCommands.error = 7

        done: null, /*error to get here */

        done: null, /*error to get here*/

        error.innerError = hostErrorObject.innerError

        logger.logError = logError

        state_canceled,             // ->

 error | error_notify | success | success_notify | canceling

        state_waiting,              // ->

 error | error_notify | success | success_notify | waiting_canceled

        state_waiting_canceled,     // ->

 error | error_notify | success | success_notify | canceling

        state_working,              // ->

 error | error_notify | success | success_notify | canceled | waiting

        then: null, /*error to get here */

        then: null, /*error to get here*/

        var EditStylePropertyEnable = (function () {

        var error = An

        var error = new Error(hostErrorObject.message + rn + hostErrorObject.stack)

        window.onerror = onerror

    .snapshotTileBlank >

 .snapshotError {

    // Canceling state, commits to the promise moving to an error state with an error

    // Error notify state, moves a promise to the error state and notifies all children

    // Error state, moves a promise to the error state and does NOT notify any children.

    // Global error counter, for each error which enters the system we increment this once and then

    // a new error id will be minted.

    // a promise directly to the success/error state without starting another notification pass (because one

    // its children into an (as appropriate) success or error state and also notify that child's

    // purposes of the callonerror semantics. If a nested promise in error is encountered without

    // the error number travels with the error as it traverses the tree of potential handlers.

    // which are in error will get tagged with a ._errorId field. This tagged field is the

    HtmlTreeViewDragDrop._autoCollapseOnDragStart = false

    HtmlTreeViewDragDrop.doDragStart = function doDragStart(event) {

    Plugin._logError = _logError

    document.ondragstart = function () {

    state_error = {

    z-index: -1

 /* Start with the file picker behind other UI components. This gets moved forward in script. */

#outputList .consoleItemError >

 .listview-grid-cell-icon {

#outputList .consoleItemError .listview-grid-cell-value {

#outputList .consoleItemScriptError >

 .listview-grid-cell-icon {

#outputList .consoleItemScriptError .listview-grid-cell-value {

.monaco-editor .glyph-error {

.watch-Error {

Window.onerror = function (message, file, line) {

Window.reportError = function (message, file, line, additionalInfo, column) {

Last update: 22/03/2024