
Microsoft Corporation

Direct3D 9 Runtime

32 bit
Threat Score
0 %
Original size
1490.1 Kb
Download size
705 Kb

****Direct3D DRIVER DISABLING ERROR****:Unable to allocate memory for Z/Stencil formats!

****Direct3D DRIVER DISABLING ERROR****:Unable to allocate memory for extended mode formats!

****Direct3D DRIVER DISABLING ERROR****:Unable to allocate memory for supported queries!

****Direct3D DRIVER DISABLING ERROR****:Unable to allocate memory for texture formats!

A prior call to DrawPrim2 has failed

 returning error from Present.

CreateRectRgn failed. Unable to accelerate Present.

D3DPRESENT_FLIPRESTART is not supported unless device was created with CreateDeviceEx

D3DPRESENT_FLIPRESTART is not yet supported with Windowed Present


DepthStencil Format is not supported for this Adapter/DevType/AdapterFormat. This error can happen if the application has not successfully called CheckDeviceFormats on the specified Format prior to calling CheckDepthStencilMatch. The application is advised to call CheckDeviceFormats on this format first,

 because a success return from CheckDepthStencilMatch does not guarantee that the format is valid as a DepthStencil buffer for all possible cases i.e. D3DRTYPE_TEXTURE or D3DRTYPE_SURFACE or D3DRTYPE_CUBETEXTURE.

Driver failed a command batch will synchronizing a synchronous call with the command stream. (No error will be returned to the app)

Error creating new device in D3D9ResetDevice

Error during initialization of command buffer

Error during initialization of cubemap

Error during initialization of mip-volume

Error during initialization of surface. CreateRenderTarget/CreateDepthStencil failed

Error during initialization of texture. CreateCubeTexture failed.

Error during initialization of texture. CreateTexture failed.

Error during initialization of texture. CreateVolumeTexture failed.

Error in Clear

Error in PSGP

Error in creating shader handle

Error trying to lock driver surface

GetDC failed. Unable to accelerate Present.

GetLightEnable does not work in pure-device

GetRandomRgn failed. Unable to accelerate Present.

GetRegionData failed. Unable to accelerate Present.

Invalid light index OR light is not initialized. GetLightEnable failed.

LightEnable failed.

Opened and created resources don't match,

 unable to open the shared resource.

Out of Memory when allocating pColorMask. Unable to CreateCursor

Out of Memory when allocating pMonoMask. Unable to create Cursor

RenderTarget Format is not supported for this Adapter/DevType/AdapterFormat. This error can happen if the application has not successfully called CheckDeviceFormats on the specified Format prior to calling CheckDepthStencilMatch. The application is advised to call CheckDeviceFormats on this format first,

 because a success return from CheckDepthStencilMatch does not guarantee that the format is valid as a RenderTarget for all possible cases i.e. D3DRTYPE_TEXTURE or D3DRTYPE_SURFACE or D3DRTYPE_CUBETEXTURE.

There was some error when Reset()ing the device

 as a result some resources may not be freed.

There was some error when destroying device

There was some error when resetting pixel shaders

There was some error when resetting shaders

Unable get an hDC on a D3DPOOL_SCRATCH surface.  GetDC fails.

Unable to Get Palette Entries.

Unable to GetDC from caller provided destination surface. GetFrontBufferData fails.

Unable to allocate system memory. CreateDXVADevice fails.

Unable to bind winmm library functions

Unable to capture light state (light not set?)

Unable to colorfill the specified format for this driver

Unable to create a fullcreen device from a terminal server session. ValidatePresentParameters fails.

Unable to create multiple overlay swapchains. CreateDevice/Reset Failed

Unable to create scratch DC. GetDC fails.

Unable to create scratch DIB section. GetDC fails.

Unable to get DC from kernel. GetDC fails.

Unable to get the current display mode. CheckDeviceOverlayType fails.

Unable to load winmm

Unable to lock destination surface. GetFrontBufferData fails.

Unable to override the overlay device window. PresentOverlay fails.

Unable to parse shader code

Unable to present with invalid destionation RECT

Unable to present with invalid source RECT

Unable to release DC in kernel.

Unable to restore to original desktop mode

Unable to set the new mode. CreateDevice/Reset Fails

Unable to src format to dest format. StretchRect fails

Unable to stretch DXT surfaces. StretchRects fails

Unable to stretch depth/stencil surfaces. StretchRects fails

Unable to stretch from an offscreen plain to another offscreen plain.  StretchRect failed

Unable to update surface due to driver failure.

Unexpected error in D3D8GetLDDMDriverName

Unsupported D3DRS_SEPARATEALPHABLENDENABLE state on device.

User mode driver failed LightEnable call

Width*Height overflowed. Unable to create Cursor

Width*Height*4 overflowed. Unable to create Cursor

Zero width and/or height and unable to get client. CreateDevice/Reset fails.

Last update: 22/03/2024