
Microsoft Corporation

WMI Provider for Remote Desktop Services Proxy

64 bit
Threat Score
0 %
Original size
768 Kb
Download size
248.3 Kb

AAARAPStore::CreatePolicy: Unable to allocate memory for tmpPorts

AAAzmanUtil::ParseAzmanRG: Unable to allocate memory for sidRG

AAAzmanUtil::ParseAzmanRG: Unable to allocate memory for tmpName

AACentralNAPStore::DeleteCentralNAP: Unable to allocate memory for iasLoader

AACentralNAPStore::EnableCentralNAP: Couldn't enable central NAP

AACentralNAPStore::EnableCentralNAP: Unable to allocate memory for iasLoader

AAConfigUtil::ConvertSidToReadableString: Unable to allocate memory for wzUserName

AAConfigUtil::ConvertSidToReadableString: Unable to create memory for wzDomainName

AAConfigUtil::GetSidForGroup: Unable to create memory for pGroupSID

AAConfigUtil::GetSidForGroup: Unable to create memory for pReferencedDomainName

AAConfigUtil::Trim: Unable to allocate memory for *outStr

AAConfigUtil::Trim: Unable to allocate memory for buffer

AADelimiterString::IncreaseSlots: Unable to reallocate memory for tmp

AADelimiterString::Initialize: Unable to allocate memory for validStrs

AADelimiterString::Replace: Unable to allocate memory for bstrReplaceStr

AADelimiterString::Subtract: Unable to create memory for AADelimiterString object

AAEnum::IncreaseSlots: Unable to allocate memory for tmp

AAEnum::Init: Unable to allocate memory for objs

AANAP::Apply: Unable to allocate memory for iasLoader

AANAPEnum::Create: Unable to allocaet memory for tmpPolicy

AANAPEnum::Create: Unable to allocate memory for iasLoader

AANAPEnum::Delete: Unable to allocate memory for iasLoader

AANAPEnum::DeleteAll: Unable to allocate memory for iasLoader

AANAPEnum::IncreaseNAPSlots: Unable to allocate memory for tmp

AANAPEnum::Initialize: Unable to allocate memory for iasLoader

AANAPEnum::Initialize: Unable to allocate memory for policies

AANAPEnum::Move: Unable to allocate memory for iasLoader

AANAPIasLoader::DeleteAttributeHelper:  Error while trying to locate Radius Profile!

AANAPIasLoader::DeleteSimilarAttributes: Hit error while removing items!

AANAPIasLoader::GetAttributeHelper: Error while trying to locate Radius Profile!

AANAPIasLoader::GetHealthPolicies: Unable to allocate memory for health policy

AANAPIasLoader::GetHealthPolicies: Unable to allocate memory for tmpEnum

AANAPIasLoader::GetPolicies(): Unable to allocate memory for nap

AANAPIasLoader::GetServers: Unable to allocate memory for server

AANAPIasLoader::GetServers: Unable to allocate memory for tmpEnum

AANAPIasLoader::IsConditionUnique: Unable to allocate memory for bstrSdoConditionName

AANAPIasLoader::UpdatePolicy: Unable to allocate memory tmpBstrConditionName

AANAPIasUtil::GetIasServiceObject: received error while getting SDO service

AANAPImpExp::GetSIDsForGroups: Unable to allocate memory for *sids

AANAPImpExp::SetCondition: Unable to allocaet memory for newCondition

AANAPImpExp::SetCondition: Unable to allocate memory for newCondition

AANAPImpExp::SetCondition: Unable to allocate memory for scalarBstrValue

AANAPImpExp::SetConditionInternal: Unable to allocate memory for grps

AANAPImpExp::SetConditionInternal: Unable to allocate memory for sidValues

AANAPImpExp::SetConditionInternal: Unable to allocate memroy for newCondition

AANAPImpExp::SetMachineGroups: Unable to allocate memory for tmpUserGroups

AANAPImpExp::SetUserGroups: Unable to allocate memory for tmpUserGroups

AANAPImpExp::ValidateGroups: Unable to allocate memory for *grps

AANAPLoaderFactory::Initialize: Unable to allocate memory for loader

AANAPStore::CreatePolicy:Unable to Create Marker NAP

AANAPStore::GetPolicies:Unable to Create Marker NAP

AANAPStore::GetPolicies:Unable to Move Marker policy

AANAPStore::Initialize: Unable to allocate memory for naps

AANAPStore::Refresh: Unable to allocate memory for iasLoader

AANAPStoreFactory::GetCentralNAPStore: Unable to allocate memory for *store

AANAPStoreFactory::GetNAPStore: Unable to allocate memory for *store

AANAPStoreFactory::GetRADIUSServerStore: Unable to allocate memory for *store

AARAP::AddUserGroups: Unable to allocate memory for tmpUGs

AARAP::DeleteUserGroups: Unable to allocate memory for tmpUGs

AARAP::Initialize: Unable to allocate memory for ports

AARAP::Initialize: Unable to allocate memory for protocolRoles

AARAP::Initialize: Unable to allocate memory for protocols

AARAP::Initialize: Unable to allocate memory for resourceGroups

AARAP::Initialize: Unable to allocate memory for userGroups

AARAP::SetDescription: Unable to allocate memory for validDescription

AARAP::SetResourceGroupsAndPorts: Unable to allocate memory for tmpPorts

AARAP::SetResourceGroupsAndPorts: Unable to allocate memory for tmpRGs

AARAP::SetResourceGroupsAndPorts: Unable to get the add all resource groups

AARAP::SetResourceGroupsAndPorts: Unable to get the changed port numbers

AARAP::SetResourceGroupsAndPorts: Unable to get the changed resource groups

AARAP::SetResourceGroupsAndPorts: Unable to get the common RGs

AARAP::SetResourceGroupsAndPorts: Unable to get the common port numbers

AARAP::SetResourceGroupsAndPorts: Unable to set ports in the description

AARAP::SetUserGroups: Unable to allocate memory for tmpUGs

AARAPImpExp::SetPorts: Unable to allocate memory for ports

AARAPImpExp::SetPorts: Unable to allocate memory for tmpPorts

AARAPImpExp::SetProtocols: Unable to allocate memory for protocols

AARAPImpExp::SetProtocols: Unable to allocate memory for tmpProtocols

AARAPImpExp::SetResourceGroups: Unable to allocate memory for resourceGroups

AARAPImpExp::SetResourceGroups: Unable to allocate memory for tmpRGs

AARAPImpExp::SetUserGroups: Unable to allocate memory for tmpUGs

AARAPStore::CreatePolicy: Unable to allocate memory for tmpRGs

AARAPStore::CreatePolicy: Unable to allocate memory for tmpRap

AARAPStore::CreatePolicy: Unable to allocate memory for tmpUGs

AARAPStore::CreatePolicy: Unable to allocate memory for validDescription

AARAPStore::GetPolicies: Unable to allocate memory for tmpRAPs

AARAPStore::GetPolicy: Unable to allocate memory for description

AARAPStore::GetPolicy: Unable to allocate memory for tmpPortNumbers

AARAPStore::GetPolicy: Unable to allocate memory for tmpProtocolRoles

AARAPStore::GetPolicy: Unable to allocate memory for tmpRAP

AARAPStore::GetPolicy: Unable to allocate memory for tmpRGs

AARAPStore::GetPolicy: Unable to allocate memory for tmpUGs

AARAPStore::Initialize: Unable to allocate memory for origStoreFileName

AARAPStoreFactory::GetRAPStore: Unable to allocate memory for tmpStore

AARAPStoreFactory::GetResourceGroupStore: Unable to allocate memory for tmpStore

AARAPUtil::GetProtocolRoles: Unable to allocate memory for *protocolRoles

AARAPUtil::GetProtocolsFromRoles: Unable to allocate memory for *validProtocols

AARAPUtil::GetValidProtocols: Unable to allocate memory for *validProtocols

AARAPUtil::MapProtocolRoleToName: Unable to allocate memory for *protcolName

AAResourceGroup::AddResources: Unable to allocate memory for tmpResources

AAResourceGroup::DeleteResourceGroup: Unable to allocate memory for ppRapScope

AAResourceGroup::DeleteResources: Unable to allocate memory for tmpResources

AAResourceGroup::Initialize: Unable to allocate memory for ppScopeRAP

AAResourceGroup::Initialize: Unable to allocate memory for rapNames

AAResourceGroup::Initialize: Unable to allocate memory for resources

AAResourceGroup::SetAssociatedRAPs: Unable to allocate memory for tmpRaps

AAResourceGroup::SetDescription: Unable to allocate memory for validDescription

AAResourceGroup::SetResources: Unable to allocate memory for tmpResources

AAResourceGroupImpExp::SetResources: Unable to allocate memory for resources

AAResourceGroupImpExp::SetResources: Unable to allocate memory for tmpResources

AAResourceGroupStore::CreateResourceGroup: Unable to allocate memory for tmpRG

AAResourceGroupStore::CreateResourceGroup: Unable to allocate memory for tmpResources

AAResourceGroupStore::GetResourceGroup: Unable to allocate memory for tmpResGroup

AAResourceGroupStore::GetResourceGroup: Unable to allocate memory for tmpResources

AAResourceGroupStore::GetResourceGroups: Unable to allocate memory for rgs

AAXmlUtil::LoadXMLString: Unable to allocate memory for *ppDoc

ImportExport::Export: Unable to allocate memory for pTsgServer

ImportExport::Initialize: Unable to allocate memory

ImportExport::Initialize: Unable to allocate memory for m_pX2cTsgServer

ImportExport::Initialize: Unable to allocate memory for m_ppIX2C

ImportExport::ParseAndImport: Unable to allocate memory for pTsgServer

IsValidCertificate: Unable to allocate memory for pKeyUsage

LoadBalancer_IsLoadBalancingServer:Error occurred while determining load balancing server

LoadBalancer_Methods:Couldn't enable TSG Firewall Rule

NetworkAccessPolicy_Create:Unable to Create new NAP

NetworkAccessPolicy_SetValues:Unable to Apply new NAP

NetworkAccessPolicy_SetValues:Unable to set Password on new NAP

NetworkAccessPolicy_SetValues:Unable to set Secureid on new NAP

NetworkAccessPolicy_SetValues:Unable to set Smartcard on new NAP

NetworkAccessPolicy_SetValues:Unable to set userGroups on new NAP

ServerSettings::Initialize: Unable to allocate memory for bstrEventName

ServerSettings::Initialize: Unable to allocate memory for m_ppLogEvents

ServerSettings::Initialize: Unable to allocate memory for m_ppLogEvents[i]

ServerSettings::Initialize: Unable to get Consent Message FIle Name

ServerSettings::Initialize: Unable to get Unable to get Admin message properties

ServerSettings::Initialize: Unable to get authentication plug-in name

ServerSettings::Initialize: Unable to get authorization plug-in name

ServerSettings_EnableLogEvent:Couldn't get enable flag of log event

ServerSettings_LogEvents:Couldn't enable log event

ServerSettings_TSGStoreServiceMsg: Unable to open consent message file for writing

ServerSettings_TSGStoreServiceMsg: Unable to write consent message to the consent message file

TSGatewayHealthPolicy::Apply: Unable to allocate memory for iasLoader

TSGatewayHealthPolicyStore::CreateHealthPolicy: Unable to allocate memory for iasLoader

TSGatewayHealthPolicyStore::CreateHealthPolicy: Unable to allocate memory for tmpHealthPolicy

TSGatewayHealthPolicyStore::DeleteHealthPolicy: Unable to allocate memory for iasLoader

TSGatewayHealthPolicyStore::Initialize: Unable to allocate memory for iasLoader

TSGatewayHealthPolicyStore::Refresh: Unable to allocate memory for iasLoader

TSProxyRADIUSServer::Apply: Unable to allocate memory for iasLoader

TSProxyRADIUSServerStore::CreateRADIUSServer: Unable to allocate memory for iasLoader

TSProxyRADIUSServerStore::CreateRADIUSServer: Unable to allocate memory for tmpRServer

TSProxyRADIUSServerStore::DeleteRADIUSServer: Unable to allocate memory for iasLoader

TSProxyRADIUSServerStore::DeleteRADIUSServersGroup: Unable to allocate memory for iasLoader

TSProxyRADIUSServerStore::Initialize: Unable to allocate memory for iasLoader

TSProxyRADIUSServerStore::Refresh: Unable to allocate memory for iasLoader

TsgServer::InitializeCaps: Unable to allocate memory for m_ppCaps

TsgServer::InitializeHealthPolicies: Unable to allocate memory for m_ppHealthPolicies

TsgServer::InitializeRadiusServers: Unable to allocate memory for m_ppRadiusServers

TsgServer::InitializeRaps: Unable to allocate memory for m_ppRaps

TsgServer::InitializeResourceGroups: Unable to allocate memory for m_ppResourceGroups

TsgServer::InitializeServerName: Unable to allocate memory for m_bstrServerName

TsgServer::InitializeServerSettings: Unable to allocate memory for m_pServerSettings

X2CPtr::DeSerialize: Unable to allocate memory for pv

Last update: 22/03/2024