
Valve Corporation

Steamclient dll

64 bit
Threat Score
0 %
Original size
12717.2 Kb
Download size
4811 Kb

 Invalid EAppUpdateError value

 operation failed with error 

%12sUnable to load Public Key

/Get inital parameters to start building a depot

/Start uploading manifest and chunks for a depot

?PNG load error %s

AddAccessAllowedAce failed for administrator. GetLastError returned: %d

AddAccessAllowedAce failed for steam. GetLastError returned: %d

AddAccessAllowedAce failed for the process owner. GetLastError returned: %d

Assertion Failed: m_bStreamingError || cTotalBytesReceived == (uint32)m_buffer.TellPut()

Assertion Failed: nSeqStart >


Assertion Failed: nSeqStart <

= nSeqEnd

Assertion Failed: pubMsgStart >

= pubCurrent

Assertion Failed: pubMsgStart <

= pubCurrent + cubMsgSizeMax

Assertion Failed: s_fnRtlNtStatusToDosError != NULL

Attempting to enable license for package: %u

BYieldingCompleteSteamControllerRegistration - Error committing registration completion of controller &

 account pair.

BYieldingDownloadFile: start AppID %u %s

BYieldingRegisterSteamController - Error committing registration of controller &

 account pair.

BYieldingRegisterSteamController - Error querying accounts registered to controller.

Bad absolute URL to CHTTPClientRequest constructor, must start with protocol://

Broadcast recorder error %u

BtreeInitPage() returns error code %d

Buffer error in compressed datastream in %s chunk

CCMInterface::YieldingConnect -- error result from ISteamDirectory/GetCMList (result = %d)

CClientJobDeRegisterController - Error sending dereg message to backend.

CClientJobSetControllerPersonalizationFile - Error sending personalization file.

CCompletionPortManager::IOCPWorkerThread: got 100 consecutive errors, last error %d (%s), IOCP thread aborting and exiting

CSetControllerSettingWorkItem: Error setting controller settings.

CUDPConnectionRouter: received fatal UDP error %d (%s)

CUDPSocket: UDP %s failed with error %d (%s) on socket %p, hhost %d, remote addr %s

CUserRemoteStorage::FileRead( %s ) failed, unable to resolve path

CUserRemoteStorage::FileReadAsync( %s ) failed, unable to resolve path

Cannot start a transaction within a transaction

Chat job : start listing to %s

Connection attempt to UFS failed with error '%s'.

Couldn't record SteamClientLaunch, GameStats.AddNewRow() failed with error code %d

Couldn't record streaming stats, GameStats.AddNewRow() failed with error code %d

CreateBoundSocket: ::bind returned error %s(%d)

CreateBoundSocket: failed to create socket, error %s (%d)

Crypto API failed certificate check, error flags 0x%08x

Data error in compressed datastream in %s chunk

Define Restart Interval %u

Depot download failed : error decrypting delta manifest %llu

Depot download failed : error decrypting depot manifest %llu

Depot download failed : error downloading chunk for file %s (%s)

Depot download failed : error downloading manifest %llu (%s)

Depot download failed : error getting workshop item info (%s)

Depot download failed : error starting download for depot manifest %llu

Depot download failed : error unpacking chunk for file %s

Depot download failed : error writing chunk for %s

DepotDownloadManager::BYldCreateDownloadInterface: Unable to handle download source type %d (%s)

ERROR! Failed finishing upload DepotID %u : %s (Transport error %u)

ERROR! Failed uploading manifest (depotID %u, size %u, HTTP error %u)

Error Locating Metadata in Application !

Error State on string being set.

Error adding recipient

Error clearing controller mappings.

Error converting private key

Error converting zone

Error creating extension

Error during initialization: %s

Error entering bootloader for firmware update.

Error generating tmp rsa key

Error getting public key

Error getting time

Error in encoding

Error in extension

Error in nextupdate field

Error in processing external entity reference

Error in received cipher list

Error in thisupdate field

Error in user chunk

Error initialising drbg

Error initiating firmware update.

Error instantiating drbg

Error loading %s: header missing

Error loading %s: manifest mismatch

Error loading %s: staging mismatch

Error loading %s: wrong download state

Error loading %s: wrong marker

Error loading dso

Error loading section

Error number %ld

Error parsing set element

Error parsing text-format 

Error parsing url

Error reading messagedigest attribute

Error rebooting controller after firmware upgrade.

Error result: %d (%s - %s)

Error sending firmware complete/CRC.

Error setting cipher

Error setting cipher params

Error setting controller mappings.

Error setting controller settings.

Error setting encrypted data type

Error setting fips mode

Error setting key

Error setting nbio

Error setting nbio on accept socket

Error setting nbio on accepted socket

Error setting recipientinfo

Error text not found (please report)

Error uploading firmware.

Error while parsing text KeyValues for resource %s

Error with the srp params

Extension range end number must be greater than start number.

Failed to enable license for package: %u

Failed to get %s from %s (HTTP Error %u)

Failed to get %s from %s (HTTP Error %u, Proxy-Authenticate header: %s)

Failed to get Steam Service Start function

Failed to start %s (GLE %u)

Failed to start new session (%s)

Failed to start new session (ingame overlay disabled)

Failed to start new session (user offline)

Fatal error writing Symbol Table

Fatal error writing section %d

Fatal error writing string table

FinishConfigSets - Error sending set config to backend.

Format error in CRL's lastUpdate field

Format error in CRL's nextUpdate field

Format error in certificate's notAfter field

Format error in certificate's notBefore field

GetTokenInformation failed. GetLastError returned: %d

Group name must start with a non-digit

HTTP POST failed, error code %d

InitializeAcl failed. GetLastError returned: %d

InitializeSecurityDescriptor failed. GetLastError returned: %d

InvertibleRSAFunction: computational error during private key operation

NVAPI Error in SteamUI: Unable to enumerate logical GPUs

NVAPI Error in SteamUI: Unable to enumerate physical GPUs

NVAPI Error in SteamUI: Unable to get AGP rate

NVAPI Error in SteamUI: Unable to get GPU bus type

NVAPI Error in SteamUI: Unable to get PCIe width

NVAPI Error in SteamUI: Unable to get VRAM size

NVAPI Error in SteamUI: Unable to initialize NVAPI

NVAPI Error in SteamUI: Unable to query nVidia driver version

No Error (0)

No start line

OpenProcessToken failed. GetLastError returned: %d

OsError 0x%lx (%lu)

Output file write error --- out of disk space?

Peer error certificate

Peer error no certificate

Peer error no cipher

Peer error unsupported certificate type

PlatformSocketsInit failed, error %s (%d)

Received login error '%s' (%d) from UFS at %s.

ReportConnectSessionStats failed: GameStats.AddNewRow() failed with error code %d

ReportConnectionAttemptStats failed to add row for ping results: GameStats.AddNewRow() failed with error code %d

ReportConnectionAttemptStats failed: GameStats.AddNewRow() failed with error code %d

Retrying chunk for URL %s (Error code %u)

SQL logic error or missing database

SetSecurityDescriptorDacl failed. GetLastError returned: %d

Socket error [%d]

Start Of Frame 0x%02x: width=%u, height=%u, components=%d

Start Of Scan: %d components

Start broadcast upload : %s (SessionID %llu)

Start of 

Start of Image

Start staging

Start validating appID %u

StartAutoReconnect() will start in %lld seconds

Sync In Progress: %d/%d - Synced tracks but not copy %d - Error Tracks: %d

Syntax error in subpattern name (missing terminator)

ThreadUserTimer: GetThreadTimes failed with error 

TranslateWinErrorToFileIOError: unhandled error %u

UDPSocket: ThreadedFunc_RecvUDP got error %d (%s) from socket %p, (invalid) hSocketOwner %d, we're not receiving on this socket now!

UDPSocket: ThreadedFunc_RecvUDP got error %d (%s) from socket %p, hSocketOwner %d, we're not receiving on this socket now.

UDPSocket: WSARecvFrom returned benign error %d, retrying

UDPSocket: WSARecvFrom synchronously returned error %d (%s) from socket %llx, hSocketOwner %d, we're not receiving on this socket now.

UDPSocket: WSARecvFrom synchronously returned error %d (%s) from socket %x, (invalid) hSocketOwner %d, we're not receiving on this socket now.

UDPSocket::BSend received error %d (%s) from WSASendTo

Unable to Map %s

Unable to MapView %s

Unable to add lobby filter %s, key cannot be longer than %d characters

Unable to add lobby filter on key '%s', key cannot be longer than %d characters

Unable to bind socket

Unable to close due to unfinalized statements or unfinished backups

Unable to connect to Oculus Runtime (1000)

Unable to connect to the Google Talk service due to an incompatibility with your proxy.

Unable to create new section

Unable to create path registry directory %s

Unable to create socket

Unable to decode dh certs

Unable to decode ecdh certs

Unable to decode issuer public key

Unable to decode rsa key

Unable to decode rsa private key

Unable to decrypt CRL's signature

Unable to decrypt certificate's signature

Unable to delete/modify collation sequence due to active statements

Unable to delete/modify user-function due to active statements

Unable to determine VR Path Registry filename

Unable to determine size of %s

Unable to determine string length !

Unable to extract public key

Unable to finalize context

Unable to find LongNames member !

Unable to find certificate

Unable to find dh parameters

Unable to find ecdh parameters

Unable to find mem bio

Unable to find message digest

Unable to find parameters in chain

Unable to find public key parameters

Unable to find ssl method

Unable to get CRL issuer certificate

Unable to get certificate CRL

Unable to get certs public key

Unable to get issuer certificate

Unable to get issuer details

Unable to get issuer keyid

Unable to get local issuer certificate

Unable to get the page. error code=%d

Unable to identify the object to be reindexed

Unable to listen socket

Unable to load VDF version %d

Unable to load VDF: '%s'

Unable to load file even though BFileExits returned true

Unable to load game actions.

Unable to load localization.

Unable to load preset names/IDs.

Unable to load ssl2 md5 routines

Unable to load ssl3 md5 routines

Unable to load ssl3 sha1 routines

Unable to open a temporary database file for storing temporary tables

Unable to open database file

Unable to open database: %s

Unable to open file for output

Unable to open shared library [%s]

Unable to parse %s

Unable to read VR Path Registry from %s

Unable to send encrypted SSL data over connection

Unable to send message to disable license for package: %u. Please try again

Unable to send message to enable license for package: %u. Please try again

Unable to set default socket options, error %d

Unable to use function %s in the requested context

Unable to verify the first certificate

Unable to write VR path registry to %s

Unknown error (%d)

Unknown remote error type

UpdatesJob: failed to download %s (HTTP error %u)

XML or text declaration not at start of entity

[AppID %u] AutoCloud is disabled. Run testappcloudpaths

[AppID %u] CAPIJobRequestUserStats - received error '%s' (%d) from server

[AppID %u] Failed to start SteamService with %s

[AppID %u] HTTP Upload for file '%s' (offset=%lld, length=%d) to host '%s', path %s - failed with with error '%s' (%d)

[AppID %u] HTTP download for file '%s' from host '%s' - Returned error '%s' (%d).

[AppID %u] Unable to resolve path with root %s (%u)

[Enable parental settings for the logged in account, optionally setting the current settings

[Notification from server to client one or more users is waiting for user to start broadcast

Last update: 16/05/2024