

Microsoft Corporation

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EdgeNegative source span must abut start of source TextBuffer.

A call to EnableTrace in order to enable the trace provider with GUID '{0}' through the trace controller with GUID '{1}' returned an error code, the error code was '{2}'.

A call to TraceEvent made by the trace provider with GUID '{0}' attempting to raise an event with GUID '{1}' returned an error code, the error code was '{2}'.

AThere was an error while building metadata for item '{0}' : '{1}'

An attempt was made to enable the trace provider with GUID '{0}' through the trace controller with GUID '{1}'.  The trace controller's session has not been started and thus no trace providers can be enabled for this session.

An attempt was made to enable the trace provider with GUID '{0}' through the trace controller with GUID '{1}'.  This trace provider has not been associated with this trace controller.  Please call IEtwBaseTraceController::AddProvider before attempting to enable a provider.

DAn error occurred while compiling the specified composition : '{0}'.

HUnable to determine the fully qualified path name of the entry assembly.

JThe call to ControlTrace to stop the session named '{0}' returned an error code, the error code was '{1}'.

JThe call to OpenTrace for the controller with GUID '{0}' returned an error code, the error code was '{1}'.

MThe call to ProcessTrace for the controller with GUID '{0}' returned an error code, the error code was '{1}'.

OAn error occurred while saving the compiled composition assembly '{0}' : '{1}'.

QThe call to CloseTrace for the trace controller with GUID '{0}' returned an error code, the error code was '{1}'.

The EtwEventReference class requires a production of IEtwTracingService in order to operate.  No production of this service has been detected thus EtwEventReference objects will be unable to raise events in this SKU.  To remedy this situation add a production of IEtwTracingService to the SKU.

The call to CloseTrace for the trace consumer targeting the log file at '{0}' returned an error code, the error code was '{1}'.

The call to ControlTrace in an attempt to flush the buffer of the trace controller with GUID '{0}' returned an error code, the error code was '{1}'.

The call to EnableTrace in an attempt to disable the trace provider with GUID '{0}' associated with session '{1}' returned an error, the error code was '{2}'.

The call to ProcessTrace for the trace consumer targeting the log file at '{0}' returned an error code, the error code was '{1}'.

There was an attempt to enable the trace provider with Guid '{0}' at a level that is outside the acceptable range.  Levels for trace providers must fall in the range described by the TraceLevel enum.

UAn attempt was made to start a tracing session with the name '{0}'.  A tracing session with that name already exists.

UThe call to StartTrace for the trace controller with the name '{0}' returned an error code, the error code was '{1}'.

XThe call to OpenTrace for the consumer targeting the log file at '{0}' returned an error code, the error code was '{1}'.

Last update: 16/05/2024