
BackWeb Technologies Inc.


32 bit
Threat Score
0 %
Original size
2170.9 Kb
Download size
1050.4 Kb

%.*s update: unable to flush updated cannibalized list

%.*s update: unable to update cannibalized list

%s (Error Code:0x%8.8x, Line:%d)

%s Error deleting cluster config file %s for channel which is no longer a cluster, error = %d

%s Error reading member: %s

%s's %s failed with error 0x%08x

%s: copy failed due to error in reading from source, path=%s

%s: copy failed due to error in writing to destination, path=%s

%sBackWeb Client No Restart if Disabled Mutex - %s

*** %s (series %s, v#%d): unable to set series watermark

*** Error adding ext loc entry for %.*s

*** Error adding ext loc file entry for %s

*** Error adding file index entry for %s

*** Error checking downloaded InfoPak file '%s'

*** Error flushing ext loc file

*** Error flushing file index

*** Error in initializing certificate for authority %s

*** Error preparing file index for next file

*** F %s: (CPrsFileDiffDL::OnComplete) unable to open base file in %s

*** F %s: unable to locate suggested destination dir '%s'

*** F %s: unable to open base file collection for diff zip in %s

*** F %s: unable to open base file for diff zip in %s

*** F %s: unable to open external update base file %s

*** F %s: unable to open upgrade base file %s

*** F %s: unable to read last block.

*** F %s: unable to read patches info.

*** F %s: unable to write init patches info.

*** F %s: unable to write patches info.

*** F: error reading index in %s.

*** Failed to initialize politeness (CSharedMemoryCreator error 0x%8x).

*** Failed to remove file %s. error = %ld.

*** Failed to start bundling %s in file index

*** Fatal error reading %s

*** Fatal error reading events from %s

*** Fatal error reading events length from %s

*** Fatal error reading nStats from %s

*** Fatal error reading reqID from %s

*** P %s: unable to open or create file index in %s

*** P %x/%x: Out of memory at start of file download

*** P %x/%x: unzip error (a)

*** P %x/%x: unzip error (b)

*** P %x/%x: unzip error (c) on file '%s' (%d)

*** P %x/%x: unzip error (d)

*** P %x/%x: unzip error (e)

*** RG: Error in generating SK

*** Unable to add certificate to database for chn %lx.

*** Unable to find end publisher of certificate.

*** Unable to insert certificate %s.

*** Upgrade: Unable to open %s

*** Upgrade: error reading file list

*** unable to build db

*** unable to clear db session

**1 Fatal error reading %s

**2 Error reading eventsLen for stat from %s

**3 Fatal error reading %s

**4 Fatal error reading %s

 unable to open previous version for diff, will reload all dependents

Alert Enable %d

BWSW Error (0x%x)

C: Error in initializing certificate for authority %s

C: Fatal error reading counters from %s

CListenerWnd::OnCreate failed to start listening

COM error 0x%08x detected

CSession::ct: Unable to create initial communication aids

CSession::ct: Unable to create standby communication aids

Can not start listening, errno=%d

Can not start listening, memory allocation problem

Can't start process monitor thread (err 0x%lx)

Cannot start %s:

Cannot start %s: Sockets init failed.

Cannot start %s: Waiter init failed.

Chn %x: error %d copying UserProf.tmp to UserProf.bak

Chn %x: error %d deleting UserProf.dat for UserProf.tmp

Chn %x: error %d renaming UserProf.tmp to UserProf.dat

Chn %x: unable to open, read, or parse UserProf.%s

Chn %x: unable to re-open, read, or parse UserProf.%s

Chn %x: unable to use any of the UserProf.* files

 leaving profile empty

Chn %x: unable to write UserProf.tmp, will not store

DNS failure for %s (error %d)

Database error %d

Debug Enable Gradient Caption

Enable Messages

Error 0x%x inserting infopak 0x%x from %s into %s

Error getting %s file collection to check if moved files

Error getting collections for ext loc copy in cannibalism of %s by %s

Error getting ext rec %s collection for hint delete

Error getting full upstream data from ReqGen

Error looking up %s's %s for its cannibalism of %s

Error opening cannibalized file list in cannibalism of %s by %s

Error reading cannibalized file list in cannibalism of %s by %s

Error reading file list for ext loc copy in cannibalism of %s by %s

Error setting ext loc in cannibalism of %s by %s

Error starting network upgrade (%s)

Error terminating cannibalized file list in cannibalism of %s by %s

Failed to copy registration file from %s to %s (error = %ld)

Failed to create auto-start thread

Failed to delete registration file %s after copying it to its destination (error = %ld)

Failed to load %s. Dll maybe missing (error = %d)

Failed to move registration file from %s to %s (error = %ld)

Failed to register class objects, error 0x%x.

Failed to run UI command line '%s' (error %d)

IDispatch error #%d

Merging newly installed files: could not copy file %s (error = %ul).

Merging newly installed files: could not copy file Data/chandir.idx (error = %ul).

Merging newly installed files: could not copy generic flash (error = %ul).

Merging newly installed files: could not delete file %s (error = %ul).

P %s: unable to find selector series %s, file %s

PS: Fatal error reading counters from %s

Politeness on, but unable to filter broadcasts

RG: *** Unable to recover certificate for chn %lx. None found.

RG: -- can't, unable to open %s

RG: -- error looking for current high version

RG: -- unable to %s %s to %s

RG: -- unable to move or copy %s to %s

Re-enabling autoplay (turned off %ld, reenable wait %ld)

Start Up Audio

Start now

Strange, still have old proc handle 0x%lx at start of new

Strange, unable to %scommit %s

Subagent %d has encountered error %d on address %s, action %d while %s.

U:  (%x) CUpstream::InitAux(), ID=%s, Error compressing upstream, will send uncompressed

U:  (%x) CUpstream::InitAux(), ID=%s, Error from MarkForUplaod(): %lx

U:  (%x) CUpstream::InitAux(), ID=%s, Error getting compressed file name: %lx, abort send

U:  (%x) CUpstream::InitAux(), ID=%s, Error getting compressed file name: %lx, will send uncompressed

U:  (%x) CUpstream::InitAux(), ID=%s, Error setting compression status: %lx

U: (%x)  *** error compressing message into file '%s', will send uncompressed

U: (%x)  *** error opening IStream

U: (%x)  *** error opening compressed file '%s' for write, will send uncompressed

U: (%x)  *** error opening compressed upstream file %s

U: (%x)  *** error opening zipper for compression, will send uncompressed

U: (%x)  AppendEndFields(): error from GetPos()

U: (%x)  AppendEndFields(): error from SetPos() back to current location

U: (%x)  AppendEndFields(): error from SetPos() to end of stream

U: (%x)  CUpstream::InitAux(), ID=%s, error from get_MessageLength: %lx

U: (%x)  CUpstream::InitAux:  error getting message's properties

U: (%x)  CUpstreamBase::HandleFailureRsp: unknown error code: %d, param: %d

U: (%x)  CUpstreamProfile::InitAux: can't create upstreamID, error from CoCreateGuid(): %lx

U: (%x)  DISASTER: error reading from stream file

U: (%x)  GetUpstreamFileData(): DISASTER: error from stream's GetPos()

U: (%x)  GetUpstreamFileData(): DISASTER: error reading from stream

U: (%x)  GetUpstreamFileSize:  error form stream's GetPos()

U: (%x)  HandleFailureRsp: UPSTREAM_TOO_LARGE, Error from stream's GetPos()

U: (%x)  HandleFailureRsp: UPSTREAM_TOO_LARGE, Error initializing CRC encrypted stream

U: (%x)  InitStream: error rewinding derived class's stream

U: (%x)  error from stream's GetPos()

U: (%x)  error from stream's SetPos()

U: (%x)  error removing upstream %s from queue: %lx

U: (%x)  got RC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR failure.  Will try again later

U: (%x)  got RC_UPSTREAM_CRC_ERROR failure.  Will try again later

U: (%x)  got RC_UPSTREAM_DECRYPTION_ERROR failure.  Will try again later

U: (%x)  got RC_UPSTREAM_FILE_ERROR failure.  Will try again later

U: (%x)  got RC_UPSTREAM_KEY_ERROR failure.  Will try again later

U: (%x)  protocol error failure (RC_UPSTREAM_BAD_ID)

U: (%x)  protocol error failure (RC_UPSTREAM_NO_OFFSET)

U: (%x)  protocol error failure (RC_UPSTREAM_NO_TOTAL_SIZE)

U: (%x)  reset(): error from stream's SetPos(), will not go on sending this upstream

U: (%x) CUpstreamBase::InitStream: Error initializing CRC encrypted stream

U: (%x) CUpstreamBase::InitStream: Error initializing CRC stream

U: (%x) GetRequest(): Error calculating CRC

U: (%x) GetRequest(): Error from stream's GetPos()

U: (%x) GetRequest(): Error getting stream len: %d

U: (%x) GetRequest(): Error initializing CRC encrypted stream

U: (%x) Will not remove upstream from queue, stream error is probably because client is shutting down

U: profile stream error encoutered!

UDP agent has encountered error %d on action %d.

Unable to CreateProcess '%s' (err %d)

Unable to LoadLibrary %s (err %d)

Unable to alloc PMD

Unable to copy %s to %s (error code: %ld)

Unable to create main window


Unable to delete InfoPak (sub?)dir %s (err %d)

Unable to delete InfoPak file %s%s

Unable to delete its files, will try later

Unable to determine OS version

Unable to dup proc handle (err 0x%lx)

Unable to encrypt %s, err %d

Unable to forward DELETE_SERIES_MSG to scheduler

Unable to forward RELOAD_PRS_MSG to scheduler

Unable to get copy access to wp - deleting prs

Unable to get service name.

Unable to init zipper in AddFile

Unable to launch restart.exe

Unable to post dummy end-of-process message

Unable to post end-of-WP-change message

Unable to post end-of-process message

Unable to read browser's HTTP proxy settings, will not use HTTP proxy

Unable to remove now unnecessary %s

Unable to reset series watermark

Unable to run '%s' (err 0x%lx)

Unable to run UI: %s specifies non-existant ui component

Unable to send RELOAD_SERIES message to scheduler

Unable to send clear chn %lx history (mask 0x%lx) msg to RG

Unable to send delete chn %lx msg to RG

Unable to start WP change thread (err 0x%lx)

 doing it myself

Unable to start WP stop thread (err 0x%lx)

 doing it myself

Unable to start trapping user activity

Unable to write files to cannibalize %s by %s

Unexpected internal c-tree(R) error #%d

Unknown error 0x%0lX

WSAAsyncGetHostByName failed (error %d)

WSAAsyncGetHostByName failed in CSubAgent::OrderAsyncEvent (error %d)

WSAAsyncSelect failed in CHTTPSubAgent::Event (error %d)

WSAAsyncSelect failed in CHTTPSubAgent::OnTimer (error %d)

WSAAsyncSelect failed in CSubAgent::OrderAsyncEvent (error %d)

WSACancelAsyncRequest failed! (error %d)

Workgroup Alert Enable %d

Last update: 22/03/2024